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"No Hosh, I absolutely cannot." Soonyoung groaned in frustration. He had known me for like the entirety of my life yet somehow he never caught on to my stubbornness. But depressingly enough, he somehow manages to convince me every single time. It sucks.

"You know what? You're impossible."

"Clearly not impossible enough because you're still here." I grinned at my successful feat after hearing the line go silent.

"Whatever. Just saying, it's a great opportunity." If I'm being honest, he was 100% right. The job offer was incredibly convincing providing me with a living space, great pay, and access to that godly café Soonyoung wouldn't shut up about. Apparently, the sandwiches are the equivalent of ascending to heaven—in his words anyway. Not that I could always trust him, but still, it was sadly convincing.

"Ugh, I hate the fact you're always right" His chuckle only made me more angry.

"You know what fine? I'll apply. But please don't pull strings and please don't tease me if I don't get the job." My hands made their way to my temples and then to my mug of coffee, I sipped as I heard my best friend rejoicing over the phone. Seriously where did he get so much energy at 1:32 in the morning? If I attained as much energy for a year as this bitch has in one hour, I'd be absolutely unstoppable.

"You got this Ji!"

"Yeah, whatever, I'll just apply right now and check in a couple of days" Hoshi's hum was heard from the other side of the line.

"Fighting!" Wow, he really had the audacity to hang up on me and promote himself. But then again he also had the audacity to even force me to apply for the job in the first place. What I was really scared of though was that the guy would "put in a good word" for me with the staff and basically get me in. I wanted to get in based on pure talent alone, not because the company's favorite got me a head start. That would be like best friend nepotism if that's even a thing. Probably is somewhere somehow.

I leaned back into my bed only to get pounced on by Kiko who licked my face as he wagged his tail happily.

"Hey buddy!" The cute puppy always was able to brighten my mood no matter the situation. I picked up the small labradoodle and brought him under the covers with me to snuggle. The good thing about Kiko was that he was relatively calm and small which meant that he was the perfect snuggle or therapy buddy. Sometimes I even found myself venting to the poor dog. Pretty sure he doesn't care as long as he gets pampered, but still.

"Wish me luck buddy" I pet him one time before finally pressing the apply button. Holy shit there was no turning back now. I found myself staring at the screen in shock as if I had no control over what I just did.

Kiko climbed up onto my chest and wagged his tail.

"Oh? You're saying I should eat an entire tub of ice cream? I totally agree!" No, of course he wasn't saying that, but for my mental well-being I'm going to pretend like he did.

"Oh? You're saying I should eat an entire tub of ice cream? I totally agree!" No, of course he wasn't saying that, but for my mental well-being I'm going to pretend like he did

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A shocked squeal escaped my chapped lips as I stared at the white screen in front of me.

"What!? Did you get the job?" I had completely forgotten I was on a Facetime call with Soonyoung. I nodded my head in response, my shock preventing me from turning my eyes away from the bright screen.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Soonyoung squealing and jumping up and down and I could also hear one of his members telling him to shut the fuck up to which he only rolled his eyes.

"Oh my fucking god Ji you're literally gonna be our stylist!" The most I could do was mutter an "uhuh" before finally taking my eyes away to look at the phone.

"When do you start?" he asked.

"Oh, holy shit next week." Reality finally set in. Why did I think becoming a stylist for my annoying best friend and his rowdy group members whom I've never met would be a good idea? Sure I graduated from fashion school and had pretty much all of the requirements down but I still don't know why I got accepted seeing as I had little to no professional experience outside of school. Well, Hosh did say that one of their stylists abruptly quit so they desperately needed a replacement. The urgency was probably why I was let in. But regardless of the reason, I had secured myself the deal of a lifetime and that was what mattered at the moment.

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