I vigorously sipped on my coffee for another 5 minutes only to realize that not only had the entire large drink been consumed but Mingyu still hadn't seemed to come into the kitchen. Some part of me was extremely happy about the second predicament though. I was still mortified that I had done that to Mingyu and now he probably was going to leave me or something like that, which honestly would help my overthinking-ass.
Throughout these 5 minutes I had spent with my thoughts all I could think of was how fucking embarrassing that was on my part. I mean he probably sees me as like an acquaintance or some shit and here I am completely abandoning my ego and acting like we're a couple. It was pure foolery.
The silence was so incredibly loud that after a few seconds, I decided to just get over myself. If I didn't start unpacking there was no way in hell I would ever finish and as awkward as this is, having Mingyu as a helper is beneficial to the operation. For the sake of efficiency, this had to be done.
My head peeked around the corner and I was met with the view of Mingyu staring out at the windows and it was now that I was able to simply admire him.
Mingyu was undeniably attractive, that was completely for sure. And honestly, I hated the part of myself that just wanted to say that directly because I couldn't under any circumstance. And well, just because Mingyu is being nice to me doesn't mean he is attracted to me or anything and I'm stupid for thinking basic human decency would mean that. Probably has to do with some childhood issues huh? I've been meaning to deal with that but laziness just takes over sometimes.
I was about to muster up the courage to just go up to him but luckily he initiated interaction first and looked towards me, seemingly flustered. He ran his hand through his hair before giving me a small smile and walking up to where I was.
"So...shall we get started?"
"Hey Mingyu, can you help me with these couches? They just got delivered." At my question, Mingyu, who had been previously trying to build my coffee table, jogged up to me and looked out the door to where a huge box was waiting.
"Dang, they seriously delivered it all the way here?" He pondered with his hands on his hips.
"I know right? Anyways help me!" The two of us gave each other laughs and went to our previous mission. Luckily for us, the couches were not too heavy but at the same time, Mingyu was probably carrying the most weight anyway.
As we suddenly turned to be able to correctly place the couches how I wanted, my eyes suddenly caught the view of Mingyu's fucking arm veins. You have got to be kidding me, nope not today. My mind was going all sorts of places and I knew that if I didn't stop myself I would most definitely do something regrettable.
We placed the box down and my mouth was still slightly agape which I'm hoping Mingyu didn't notice. I immediately went to open up the box which I had used to temporarily cover my expression.
The two of us cut through the tape with some random scissors I had lying around and before I realized it, packing peanuts came flying out of the box and instinctively I caught a few and threw them at Mingyu. I honestly didn't even know what had come over me but in the span of a few seconds, the male idol and I had engaged in a full-on packing peanut fight.
"Oh you're so dead!" I ran through the hallways of the apartment as Mingyu chased me with hands full of the peanuts and I cursed myself for not bringing more along with me. However, the huge smile on my face showed otherwise.
My legs ran as fast as they could until I had eventually tired myself out and stopped to catch my breath only to be knocked down on the fluffy carpet by Mingyu who was laughing his ass off. And of course, I was too. This was like the most fun that I'd had in a while, and it was with Mingyu. His laugh sounded almost angelic and his smile was of the same stature.
Neither one of us got up from our position but instead laid with our arms spread out on the soft carpet trying to catch our breath as we continued to smile. Our chests were going up and down almost as rapidly as our emotions were.
It had been a few seconds and I had the sudden urge to turn my face to the side only to see Mingyu looking directly at me. Except this time, he wasn't flustered and honestly, neither was I.
I was just simply entranced by him. The beautiful sunset illuminated his brown eyes and revealed the highlights in his hair. He looked completely angelic and that was non-debatable. His features were cradled so beautifully it looked like he was simply a painting and I was the viewer. No one could compare in that moment.
So many thoughts swirled my mind but the one that pushed through the most was the fact that we were so incredibly close. And I mean like, one inch apart type of close yet the shyness I had grown familiar with seemed to not want to come out, not one bit.
I looked at him deeply again, analyzing his mesmerizing eyes, nose, and lips.
Within a matter of seconds, I felt our faces becoming closer and before I could even realize what I was doing, our lips had connected and our hands had taken hold of each other, bringing our bodies closer. His hands ran through my hair and mine through his. I knew that this wasn't the best idea yet my foolish self couldn't stop.
I was making out with Kim Mingyu. What the fuck.