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"Hyunjae you better hurry your ass up if you wanna make it in time to see Kyungmin!" My yell sounded throughout my apartment until the noise of a rolling suitcase and running dog overtook it. Hyunjae looked like he had just run a marathon or something and I immediately smirked at him as Kiko went to investigate what all of the noise was about. "I told you not to over-stuff your suitcase," I said matter-of-factly as I placed my hand on my hip.

Last night when I had checked Hyunjae's boarding ticket I realized his flight was around the time I was supposed to go pick up Kyungmin from the airport so as requested by my brother, he wanted to arrive earlier and say hi. It honestly surprised me sometimes how stuck-at-the-hip those two were but in elementary school, Kyungmin would hang at my house so now that I look back at it, their friendship was pretty much inevitable.

Now of course Kyungmin had no fucking idea that Hyunjae was leaving or anything so my plan was for them to greet each other, then I discreetly take Hyunjae to his boarding gate, bawl my eyes out, and lastly, I meet up with Kyungmin. Was it solid? No. Was I going to follow it anyways because I'm fucking stupid? Yes.

"Okay okay stop being such a bitch." My head whipped towards him and my jaw practically dropped to the floor.

"EXCUSE YOU. You do know I can trap you here forever right?" Hyunjae only rolled his eyes and dragged his suitcase to and out the door along with himself. Wow, what a bitch.

If Kyungmin was here right now he totally would have said that Hyunjae learned from the best.

And then I would have punched him.

"Bye-bye Kiko!" The tiny dog allowed me and Kyungmin to pet him for a little until he got distracted by his toys.

"I guess that's a sign, let's go"

. . .

The smell of the airport was literally one of my favorite things in the whole wide world. And of course, It wasn't like I traveled a lot except for a vacation maybe once a year during the very early years of my childhood, but still, going to airports held a sense of nostalgia for me. Not to mention the fact that it was about 6 am and the sun was peeking through from behind the clouds, allowing a beautiful sunrise to show through the windows. I was seriously a sucker for sunrises.

Like please if someone took me to watch a sunrise with them; marriage immediately.

The two of us walked hand in hand so I could make sure not to lose Hyunjae. I was sure he would do fine in the UK, but an airport was a completely different thing don't even get me started.

"J~ let go of my hand!" Hyunjae's whines made me roll my eyes as I let out a groan and finally released the kid. "Finally!" I shoved him to the side.

"Now come on, Kyungmin should be here in about 2 minutes." Luckily enough there was a snack kiosk just across from the gate Kyungmin was exiting through so we decided to snag a table and some coffee in the meantime.

If I'm being completely honest with myself, I'm not even sure how his company agreed to allow me, a non-celebrity FEMALE, to pick him up but at the same time his company was pretty shitty so it kind of checked out. Plus, his group had returned from their tour about a week ago but he decided to stay behind and come back later to bond with his family in the States without any manager whatsoever so I guess to any normal person, Kyungmin would just seem like your average guy (especially with a mask and baseball cap on).

"Hey...is that him?" Hyunjae's words shook me from my little thinking session and I turned to see Kyungmin walking out from his gate. Sure enough, he was sporting a non-expensive, casual outfit paired with his mask, hat, and fluffy slippers. Kyungmin was in no way stylish so my disappointment for his stylistic choices has faded long ago to the point where I stopped caring. It would ruin my mental health if I cared.

Hyunjae and I gathered our belongings and excitedly jogged to Kyungmin—of course Hyunjae was faster but whatever. And although we were literally a few feet away from him he still failed to notice us so instead of calling his name or something, Hyunjae jumped on Kyungmin's back causing the male idol to let out a loud-ass yelp and turn around in paranoia. For all he knew we could be saesangs or someone trying to kidnap him.

Once he finally met my eyes though, I saw him smiling through his mask and he immediately went to hug me. "Little J!!" He seriously sounded like a teenage girl the way he squealed as he bear-hugged me, almost suffocating me in the process. "Kyungmin! I can't fucking breathe my guy."

"Oh my bad." He finally let me go and I dusted off my clothing teasingly yet he had no time to respond because Hyunjae tugged on his sweater. "Bro did you seriously ignore me!" Kyungmin whipped his head to the side and his eyes widened once he recognized my brother.

"Oh my god Hyunjae! You grew up so much!"

Hyunjae only rolled his eyes. "You literally saw me last year."

"My point still stands." He finally threw Hyunjae into a hug which he willingly reciprocated. I could tell that my brother was trying to enjoy this hug as much as he could because both he and I knew that if things went well in the UK, there was a slim chance he wouldn't be coming back to Korea anytime soon—or anytime at all. And while I could visit him whenever, Kyungmin's job didn't allow him that privilege.

The two released each other and Kyungmin looked at the boy in front of him adoringly. At this point, Hyunjae might as well have been his little brother too and my heart couldn't bring me to tell him about what was about to happen. So I stupidly didn't.

I checked the time discreetly on my watch. "Hyunjae." Catching his attention I tried pointing at my watch and luckily for me he got the clue.

"Min, I gotta um meet up with a friend to hang out and J has to come with me but she'll be right back!" As stupid as the excuse was, I knew that Kyungmin adored the kid too much to care so we both sent him a little wave as he situated himself at a coffee table to wait and then we ran off.

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