Chapter 20

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Bianca P.O.V

I was enjoying my life. I had gotten closer to Kylian just like I planned and it was going great.

He had no idea what was coming. And I intended on keeping it that way.

I finally got him over Mercedes. Now all I needed to do was solidify my place with him as his baby momma.

Whenever we had sex he never wore protection because he would pull out every time. But this time I would make sure that he didn't pull out.

Kylian P.O.V

I was checking my texts from my manager and decided to update my socials.

I posted a picture Bianca had taken of me on our yacht.

I posted a picture Bianca had taken of me on our yacht

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Damn. I looked sexy as fuck.

I couldn't wait to see all the likes this picture would get.

So while I waited for the likes to come I scrolled down my feed to see what other people were doing.

I didn't check my social media much because I honestly never had time. But I did make sure to post every once and awhile for my fans.

So they could know what I'm up too.

As I scrolled through my feed I happened to fall upon Mercy's new Instagram pic.

Wow... she looked beautiful.

Since when did she change her hair?

It looked good but I could care less. Now that Bianca was my girlfriend I didn't pay too much attention to what Mercedes would post.

"Baby what are you looking at on your phone?" Bianca asked snatching my phone out of my hands.

Fuck what if she sees I'm on Mercy's page.

"Nothing baby just on Instagram." I replied nonchalantly.

"Oh okay. I just wanted to call you to go swimming." she giggled.

Bianca P.O.V

Kylian left to go look for his swimming shorts and forgot that I still had his phone.

I acted like I didn't see anything but I literally saw how he was on Mercedes' latest Instagram post.

Was he not over this bitch?

I had to get rid of her somehow.

So I unfollowed her from his Instagram and blocked her. I also blocked her number and removed her from Snapchat.

That should do for now.

"Kylian wait up." I said catching up to him oblivious to the fact of what I had just done.

Mercedes P.O.V

I had waited and waited.

Not waited as in stared at my phone all day wanting a reaction from him.

I wasn't that hung up over him. But I did have my phone by my side just to see if he would reach out or anything.

But he didn't.

I started to wonder if maybe his like got lost in the thousands of likes I got everyday.

So I went on Instagram and to my surprise I saw a recent upload from him from his vacation.

He had to have seen my post if he posted today as well.

But when I went to click on his user it said "username not found."


Did he block me or something?

There's no way he did.

So I went to check again and this time I searched up his username "k.mbappe" on Instagram and it didn't show up?

Omg..he blocked me? What the fuck?

I threw my phone on my bed and took off my makeup and outfit I had on for today and changed into my pajamas.

I did not want to do anything anymore. I just wanted to stay in and watch my show.

Did he see my picture and think I was ugly or something?

Or did he finally move on with Bianca?

Honestly whatever fuck him.

so didn't need him anyways. I had Richarlison.

Who's shown me unconditional love and support.

If he wanted to be with that basic fucking blonde bitch then I should move on too.

And with Richy.

Kylian P.O.V

Bianca and I had gone swimming for what felt like hours before we eventually got back on the yacht to clean up.

Bianca went to shower first so I thought I would go on my phone to pass time until she came out.

She suggested saving water and showering together but I didn't feel like fucking right now.

I just wanted to eat and go to sleep.

The swimming made my muscles sore and I needed a good night's sleep.

So I went back on Instagram to pass time and see how my upload was doing.

Pretty good so far. About 10 million likes.

And I couldn't help but notice Mercedes didn't like it.

Which I know I wasn't supposed to care but a part of me did care.

So I went to look at her post again to see her beautiful face but I couldn't find it?


Did she delete it or something?

I went to search up her username but couldn't find it?

What the FUCK?

Did she block me or something?

No way she blocked me. I had to text her about this.

I went into my contacts and looked for "Mercy" but as I scrolled past all my contacts that started with "M" she wasn't there anymore?

Wait a second.

She wasn't in my contacts either.

But I didn't remember deleting her?

I haven't even been on my phone this much during my vacation.

But I did remember Bianca taking my phone....but she couldn't right?


She did.

And I couldn't believe.

Who did she think she was?

If she thought she could do that then she's fucking wrong. She's not more important than Mercedes to me. I'm breaking up with her as soon as she comes out of that fucking shower.

Bianca P.O.V

When I came out the shower I saw Kylian sitting down in a stiff manner.

"Bianca we need to talk." Kylian stated.

What did he mean by that?

Authors Note

hi baessss i love u all so so much i literally read y'alls comments and laugh. i hope u guys enjoy this chapter muah <<<<3333333

also was anyone els watchin the superbowl jus for the halftime bcuz our queen riri literally fckin killed it fr

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