Chapter 22

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Bruna P.O.V

I got a text from Instagram but when I went to check my dms I didn't see anything?

But then I saw my dm requests and saw that I had 99 now. And I had specifically counted them as 98 everyday.

Because most of them would be from hate accounts that thought I wasn't pretty enough for Ney or too fat for him and sometimes I would read into that bullshit.

But it was a good thing I remembered how many I had because now I could tell I probably just got another hate comment.

So I decided to be nosy and see what it was about this time.

I clicked on it and expected it to be the usual "iluvneymar" accounts but to my surprise it was the one and only "bianca.sadely".

What the fuck did she want?

I clicked on it and was shocked to see what it said.

She wanted to hang out and come visit me in Brazil?

That's weird.....

I wondered what would even make her think that I was going to let her come and visit me let alone reply back to her dumb message.

I decided to leave her on read and went back to enjoying the beach with Ney.

Kylian P.O.V

Fuck. She left me on read.

I had taken matters into my own hands and texted Bruna through Bianca's Instagram.

If she wanted to mess with my phone, it was only fair I could mess with hers too.

But to my disappointment Bruna left Bianca on seen and I had checked back after an hour to see if maybe she had ended up replying.

But I got radio silence.

My plan wasn't going to work.

I had to bring out Plan B.

Text Mercedes.

I quickly went into my block list and unblocked her from IG, Snapchat, and IMessage.

I had added Mercedes back into my contacts and pressed "M" on the new message icon.

new message : M...

Great. I had her added back. But now I had no clue what to even say.

I mean how do I even start the convo..?

"Hey I miss you. Can I come see you in Brazil?" I thought.

Fuck no. That sounded weird and desperate.

"Hey Mercy. I know it's been awhile but I jus wanted to reach out and see how you've been. And I miss you. I thought I could come and see you since I'm off work for the rest of the month?"
-message delivered.

Mercedes P.O.V

I was finishing my movie when out of nowhere I heard my phone ding.

It was almost 1 a.m.

Who was texting me this late?

I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and froze in shock.

I couldn't believe it.

It was a text from KyKy.

At first I just started at his name on my phone. I couldn't comprehend what was happening but shortly after I went and clicked on the message enlarging it to see the whole text.

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