Chapter 1 - Unravelling

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The elvish gates opened to warm welcome as my stallion galloped inside Mirkwood's dominion. I jumped off and tied Dorian to the steel gates.

"Sir Perseus of Esgaroth.", The elves granted me a bow,"Suilad, Iond o en Noldor, Brannon Elen- {Greetings, Son of the High Elf, Lord Elen-}"

"Suilad na cin tor. {Greetings to you too.}" I cut him off before I hear the name of the man I despise with all my heart. "Tell me, where's your captain?"

"Tauriel is out for patrol sir."

"And your prince?"

"Also out on patrol."

They bowed as they bid me goodbye, two elves dressed in silk appeared before me, replacing the patrol of armoured elves.

They just stood there, looking at me with stern eyes, unblinking.

"Um... Greetings?"

They bowed in unison, blonde hair swishing forward.

"The news of your arrival has reached the king's ears. He wishes to see you."

I groaned internally.

"Of course."

I nodded and followed them obediently.

Looks like this will be a long visit.


Talking, talking, talking, and more talking was all that happened for 30 minutes. My ears bursting with the kings endless chatter.

"You are free to roam this lands, being a half-elf and half man... and of course, thanks to the alliances you have with my daughter-"

"Of course my Lord. I greatly give you my thanks."


"Mae, män erín. {Well, Good morning.}", The king's silky voice came.

I breathed a sigh of relief as the 2 royalties bowed before their father. Both elves trying to outrun each other in beauty, figure and skill, but only one of them could ever catch my eye.

"Mana gar cin helth íond? {What have you uncovered son?}"

I looked back to see the Elven Prince rising from his knee,"Just some orcs Ada."

Thranduil nodded in understanding and turned to her daughter I loved dearly.

"Rise child. What have you been up to?"

"My king." She rises from her bow. "My sister Neiva has been missing and-"

"-so you went looking for her.", The King's silly voice rang monotonously,"You know how dangerous it is these days, not even Mirkwood's borders are safe. I suggest you stay in Greenwood's landscape, under my watchful eye."

Elithíen opened her mouth to protest.

"It shall be done cín äran {my king}.", Legolas bowed and dragged his sister away from the throne.

Blue dark eyes then sharply turned to me,"You too are dismissed."

I left with a bow and followed the siblings, their argument heard by all ears that passed by.

"Don't tell me to shut up Legolas. You know he can't just keep me in here forever!", Elithíen's frustrated voice mended in with her angry footsteps.

"He can and he will.", Legolas crossed his arm to face his younger sister leaning on a wall,"You know him."

"But that's my sister we're talking about here. She could be dead for all I know!"

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