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It wasn't long before the revenett came out of his room and headed to the dinning table. He had black sweat pants and a sleeveless shirt on, with his hair all messy and wet.

As he pulled out his chair and sat down seeing that the brunette had already placed all the dishes on the table, taehyung couldn't help droll over him.

The revenett was about to serve himself, he usually serves the brunette first but taehyung had already served himself, but before jungkook could hold the serving spoon the brunette snatched it immediately.

"Let me help you" was all the brunette said before getting up and walking towards the revenett to serve him his dinner.

"Thank you" was all the revenett could say.

Jungkook was surprised to say the least, but he couldn't help but feel warm from the brunette's gesture.

After serving jungkook and pouring him a glass of juice, the brunette went back to his seat and they both ate quietly.

Taehyung couldn't help but steal subtle glances from jungkook, more like eye raping him. He was practically drooling at the sight of jungkook's tatted hand, he admired as his muscles flexed each time he moved them and he almost moaned out loud as he recalled all the times jungkook would man handle him and punish him, oh how he misses those days.

"Um (Clears throat) Vante?" Jungkook called out after noticing the brunette's dazed state.

"Yes maste..rrrrr (coughs) I mean jungkook" the brunette almost slipped up but regain himself immediately.

The revenett caught on what the brunette was about to blurt out in his daze and it made him frown a little.

The revenett thought that the brunette was still scared of him and that thought alone made him hate himself more than he already did (oh if only he knew!).

"Why aren't you eating? Don't you like the food?" The revenett asked carefully not wanting to trigger the brunette.

"Oh! um... the food is great!" The brunette said as he lowered his face due to embarrassment.

"Then why aren't you eating? You've barely touched your food, is anything wrong?!" The revenett inquired worriedly.

"Yes something's wrong!" The brunette said as he locked eyes with the revenett.

The revenett didn't know what to say, he didn't want to pressure taehyung to tell him what's wrong, cause he thought he knew the answer already (oh how wrong he was).

"Won't you ask me what's wrong?!" The brunette questioned, eyes still locked with the revenett's confused ones.

"What's wrong V!" The revenett asked curiously.

"First of all, I said address me as taehyung or tae or taetae!"

"Sorry" the revenett sighed out.

"So ask me what's wrong again and this time do it properly!" The brunette sternly Instructed.

The revenett was already starting to regret talking to the brunette, he didn't want to fight with him.

"What's wrong taehyungshii" the revenett asked defeatedly.

"Why have you been avoiding me Jeon?!" The brunette inquired.

The revenett turned his gaze away from the brunette, he didn't know how to answer the brunette's question.

"Does my presence disgust you?" The brunette asked again this time it came out almost like a whisper.

"No!! No no it's not that" the revenett hurriedly said.

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