Picking Out A Dress With Michael (This Is It era) 👗

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It was a week before the Grammy Awards and I was going out shopping to pick out a dress.

I was supposed to be in the car by now, but somebody was taking forever.

"Michael Joseph Jackson! Are you ready or not"?

I called out for like the millionth time.

"I can't find my fedora"!

Michael was digging through the hallway closet looking for his solid black fedora.

"Just forget about the dang thing and let's go"!

I was getting a little bit irritated with this.

Then, a few minutes later, Michael finally came downstairs wearing his fedora.

When he saw my unhappy face, he frowned.

"What's wrong"?

The singer asked.

"Well, I was just a little bit frustrated because you were taking so long and I didn't want to keep Bill waiting".

I said, inhaling through my nostrils and then exhaling out slowly.

"I didn't mean to make you feel that way, baby. Really I didn't".

He put one hand on his chest to show his honesty.

Seeing that made me smile.

"I know you didn't. And I'm sorry for being so impatient. I know how much you adore your fancy fedoras".

I said, putting my purse down on the floor next to me.

Michael was pleased to know that I wasn't mad at him.

We both knew how to compromise and be cooperative towards each other, which was one of the important things to have in a relationship.

After telling his kids goodbye by giving them love and kisses and making sure that they were safe with Grace, the nanny, we walked out the front door holding hands.

"Hey you two. Is everything alright"?

Bill asked us when he saw me and the king of pop walking towards the limo.

"Yes, we're fine".

I smiled politely.

"I was just having trouble with finding my fedora".

Michael added, and then he opened the door for me.

"Well, we're glad that everything is going well between the two of you".

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