Farm (Bad era) 🚜

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Michael and I were going to the farm early in the morning.

We were riding on a train to get there.

Once we got to the countryside-station, I stepped off the train and Michael did the same.

The conductor waved at us to get our attention.

He told us that we needed to be back at the station by early evening, and that we shouldn't be late.

"Okay, thank you".

I smiled and waved back.

We watched as the train slowly pulled out of the station and once it was far away from us, Michael picked up our woolen baskets and I grabbed the buckets.

The farm wasn't far from where we were, so we made it to the entrance in just a few minutes.

I saw the barn and the cows were grazing in the open field that was secured by a fence.

"Let's go see if they have a kitty cat"!

I said cheerfully, and grabbed Michael's hand, leading him to the barn.

"Whoa! Slow down Emily"!

He giggled.

We looked around inside the barn for any signs of a cat.

Then, Michael heard tiny mewing sounds coming from the hay.

I decided to take a peek.

"I see the cat! And she's got kittens"!

I excitedly called out.

Michael climbed up the ladder that led to the hay bills.

" cute".

He said with a smile.

The mother cat was a calico.

She was lying down on her side watching her kittens play.

When I called out to her, the kittens mewed and they curiously walked over closer towards us.

"Hey there little kitty..."

I cooed, reaching my hand to allow them to sniff my scent.

When they saw that we were friendly and not a threat, the kittens meowed some more and made their way to me.

Michael played with a solid black kitten by letting it swat it's paws at his fingers.

" easy there, you fat-headed rascal".

He giggled.

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