Chapter 1: A New Mission

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~|| Izuku P.O.V||~

"Good job on another mission! What was it this time?" asks Uraraka. I had just gotten back from a mission in the mortal earth and now I was walking with my two best friends Uraraka and Momo

"A villain and a hero. It wasn't easy seeing as the two didn't really know each other, but I managed!" I exclaim

"Nice! I remember when I got a hero and a villain too, but they were childhood friends so it was easy" explains Momo

"Iactually saw them and they're doing well! The two villains are in the sameleague and the heroes are colleagues. Boy, it was funny when they found outabout each other" I say with a chuckle

"Whata coincidence! Anyway, how was your class since you just finished it." Uraraka asks Momo

"It was alright. We went over rouges today..." Momo say muttering the last part. Just as she said that, people walk past whispering. I could tell it was about us, which makes me sigh

"People really don't know seem to get over things, do they?" asks Uraraka

"Nope. People keep leaving my class becasue of it and they either go to personal trainers or other teacher-trainers" Momo says

"Aren't cupids supposed to be all about love?! WHERE'S THE LOVE HERE?!" screams Uraraka. We continue walking and pass two other people who are talking

"We were learning about rouges and honestly, and I don't see the harm in it. I mean, humans are fascinating, and cupids are all about love" the first cupid says. Just hearing that makes me stop and walk up to the cupid that said that

"That's very dangerous to be talking about. I can see how you're still a trainee" I say with an ominous aura. Then my friends walk in front of me and I step back to make room for them.

"Don't mind him, he's sensitive when it comes to that stuff" Uraraka says with an awkward smile

"You really should be more careful when speaking of things like that though" Momo adds

"Y-yes Momo-san. I'll make sure of it" says the second cupid while she blushes. I roll my eyes and walk off, the other two following after me

"You guys have to teach me your ways" Uraraka says

"Hm? What do you mean?" I ask

"You guys are having people come after you left and right, I wanna learn!" she exclaims

"I don't think it's something you exactly learn" Momo says

"Yeah, it's just a natural curse" I add

"Curse?" Uraraka asks confused

"When you don't really like anyone and people like you, it gets annoying after awhile" Momo explains

"c'mon,you guys have to like someone!" Uraraka exclaims

"Do you like anyone?" I ask

"... Fine, you win" Uraraka mumbles

Suddenly, I feel my phone ring in my pocket, and I check it. It's from the boss

"The boss wants me for a new mission" I say

"Another one? You just finished one!" Momo exclaims

"A cupid's work is never done!" I exclaim. I walk off to the boss' office and knock on the door. She calls me in so I walk in

"Ah, Midoriya, sit down!" she says, so I do. "Well, you already know that I want you on a mission, but this one may be a bit different for you, you up to the task?"

"Always!" I answer confident

"Okay, so I'm sending you out to try and get your old friend" she states making me surprised

"You mean-"

"Yep. You'll be sent out to retrieve him, and maybe you'll be able to zing a few people too. Now, have you ever gone undercover?" she asks

"I thought you would know about that" I say questioningly

"I only know about your missions in Japan, your missions in America are reviewed by the head cupid there." she explains

"Okay, well I have once" I say

"Okay, so you know the general gist of it. I'm gonna station you near where he is and you do what you want and/or need to do. If you need it, or you're taking a bit longer than we thought than we'll send backup, but the mission will still be yours. Any questions?" she asks after explaining

"When do I start? And will I need anything?" I ask

"You start tomorrow morning and you can always come back or have someone bring whatever you need. You will also be provided with a home for the time being, so you don't need to worry about that" she answers

"Okay, thank you" I say. I then get up and leave. I've never gone on a mission like this. I've never had to before. While walking, I run into Momo and Uraraka

"Midoriya, everything okay?" Momo asks

"Yeah, I'm leaving for the mission tomorrow morning" I say

"You should get some rest then, you do look like you could use some sleep to clear your mind" Uraraka says

"Yeah, I think I do. Thanks! Bye guys and goodnight" I say walking away


"You look really weird without your wings" Uraraka says

"I know, I feel weird too" I say

"Well, good luck on your mission" Momo says laughing a bit

"Thanks, bye guys!" I say as I leave. I make it down to an empty alley and walk out to the street

'The Musutafu region... Let's just find where I'm gonna stay before anything else' I think to myself

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