Chapter 5: Another One

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{Hey guys, I'm back!!! I'm sorry I was gone, but these last few days have been hectic. I'm also feeling so unmotivated. Anyway, in my last post (not the Angels Love Story part 4) I asked about writing fluff for all (or some of) the ships and no kne answered so I'm not gonna make it a priority. That's all and I hope you enjoy!}
~|| Izuku P.O.V||~

"I can't believe we're having another new student! Do you know them?" asks Mina

"How am I supposed to know?" I whisper

"It's been two weeks since Mido-bro came and we have a new student again!" exclaims Denki, also excited

"Is it gonna be another boy?" asks Sero

"No matter who it is we have to treat them with respect and give them a warm welcome into the class" Iida says with his normal hand chop

"It's a girl. Someone saw her and talk about the new student's been traveling like wildfire" Kirishima says making Mina even more excited

"I heard some of the third years talking about her *kero*" Tsu adds

"I don't even know if half of what everyone's saying is true" Todoroki says

"Hey, you've been more involved lately, what happened?" Denki asks Todoroki

"I don't know, maybe a change of heart" Todoroki says shrugging. Me being the Cupid and empath I was, I could sense more than he was leading on

'Feel's like something's blooming... I should try and help!' I think to myself. I was super excited about this... at least, I should have been. I was still excited, but not as much as I should be

"Okay class, our new student is here, she'll introduce herself. You all already know the gist. I need to go do something though so Iida's in charge" Mr. Aizawa says. He then walks out and soon after, Momo walks in

'MOMO?!' I think in shock. I look at Kirishima and see he's thinking the same thing

"You're. So. PRETTY!!!" Mina yells

"Thank you. My name is Momo Yayorozu and my quirk is creation. Any questions" She asks

"Why did you transfer here?" Sero asks

"Well, I was originally homeschooled since my family traveled a lot but they decided to leave me here with my other family so I could have a normal life experience" Momo explains. It seemed very probably considering she looked like she was rich

"You're so formal! Are you okay with girls nights?!" Hagakure asks excited

"Yep" Momo replies laughing

"Are you okay with girls? Asking for a friend!" Mina says. I look at her and see Jiro blushing

"What?" Then she realizes what Mina meant and blushes a bit "Oh, yeah, I prefer girls actually" {MY AU} This makes Mina start squealing and fangirling

"Don't mind her, she's the cupid of the class" Denki says

'If only they knew' I think to myself

"Well, if there are no more questions, Welcome to class 1-A! You can talk to anyone here to ask them anything. Until the teacher comes back this can be a Study Hall so Yayorozu can get used to the class." Iida instructs

"Oh, please just call me Momo, that's too formal for me" Momo says

"Oh, okay" Iida says nodding. Then everyone walks off and does their own thing. Kirishima walks up to me and then Momo walks up to Kirishima and I

"Hey guys!" Momo greets

"Hey, I'm guessing the boss sent you?" I ask

"Yep, you talked to her?" Momo asks sitting down in the empty seat by us

"Yesterday evening" I reply

"I thought this was your mission, why is she here for backup? Not that it isn't good to see you!" Kirishima exclaims

"The boss thinks this is taking too long. Why has it been so long anyway, I wasn't told anything" Momo asks

"We made a deal that if I couldn't convince him that there are good things that are worth staying that after a month I would come back" Kirishima explains

"HUH?!" Momo yells. The class becomes silent and she looks at everyone apologetically. They then resume their conversations and so do we

"Well, it's not like it's gonna be easy to convince him, right Izuku?" Momo asks after clearing her throat

"Yep...!" I reply trying to sound confident

"I'm still gonna try!" Kirishima says. Then he stands up and walks away

"So, what's the rundown of the mission?" Momo asks

"He's shown me his friend group and I found who he loves... I've gotten used to everyone here and used to the school. I'll show-"

"MIDORIYA!! Can I talk to you!" Mina yells interrupting me

"OKAY!" I yell back. Then I look back at Momo "We can talk later " I say before walking off to Mina. I look back and see Momo and Jiro leaving the classroom, probably so Jiro could show Momo around

Another day has passed by, and one less day until my deadline. I thought I wasn't going to crack, but I think I did a bit. I still had to bring him back, there was no way I couldn't

"You guys struck up a conversation like it was nothing *kero* Almost like you already knew each other" Tsu states

"She's just an easy person to talk to" I say shrugging

"She seems really respectful and calm which will be good for this class" Iida says lounging a bit

"Definitely" Todoroki agrees

"I think it's cool how she's traveled a lot" I add

"Hey, I think that Jiro might have a thing for Momo *kero*" Tsu states making me a bit shocked. Then again, she was blushing earlier

"I don't see why you think that?" Iida says sitting up now

"Jiro's blushing and actually I think Momo might be blushing too *kero*" Tsu says pointing to the two of them. This comment made me so surprised. It couldn't have been. They just met and Momo's a Cupid. She wouldn't go against the rules like this

"What else can signify a crush?" Todoroki asks. When he said this, it was like I completely forgot about the whole Momo situation. All of my attention was on this one question

"Well, you can tell by how the person looks at the other one; how they talk about them; there's a bunch more" I say, rambling a bit

"What about from the first person?" Todoroki asks

"Have you never had a crush before *kero*" Tsu asks

"No" Todoroki answers

"Neither have I" Iida comments

"Well, your stomach might feel all squeeze-ish, and you might see that person in a different light. Why, do you think you have a crush?" I ask, rambling again

"I don't know" Todoroki says looking down

"Make sure Mina doesn't find out *kero*" Tsu suggests

"She's a bloodhound when it comes to this stuff, there isn't an easy way to hide stuff like this" I add

"Well, I won't tell her" Iida says

"Thanks" Todoroki says looking up with a small smile. It suited him very well

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