I Don't Think Thats Possible.

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Prod(pov): me and Tatiana are sitting in St.Johns hospital waiting for her name to be called. were here because she thinks something is wrong with her since shes not pregnant yet. im kinda worried too. we have tried everything we even know when shes ovulating so we have sex so much around that time but yet shes still not pregnant. smh I just hope its nothing serious.

"Tatiana Crippen." the doctor called. I shook her a little to wake her up. she lifted her head from my lap and we walked over towards the nurse.

Nurse: are you Tatiana?

Tatiana: Yes.

the nurse smiled.

Nurse: great, follow me.

she lead us through a hall and into a room.

Nurse: okay you too can have a seat.... im going to  have to ask you a few questions.

we nodded then took a seat.

Nurse: okay Tatiana what is the problem?

" well me and my husband have been trying to make a baby for about 6 months now. but nothing seems to work"

Nurse: oh that's along time. my advice is too find out when your ovulating, then get sensual as much as possible around that time maybe even 2 times a day.

Prod: we tried that already.

Nurse: oh....hmm that's weird that nothing happened yet.

she wrote some stuff down on her notebook then looked back up at us.

Nurse: when was your last check up?

Tatiana: about 6 months ago.

nurse nodded.

Nurse: well that's all I needed to ask just sit tight, the doctor will be in with you shortly.  I wish the best.

me and tati both smiled and thanked her then she walked out the room.

I sat there with Tatiana in my arms as we sat there in pure silence. I knew she was nervous I could feel her shaking. but I honestly don't think its anything wrong. after what seemed like ages the doctor finally walked into the room and I couldn't be any happier.

Doctor: hey Tatiana....how have you been?

Tatiana put the fakest smile I have ever seen on her face. then hugged the doctor. damn they must be close.

Tatiana: iv been okay. and you?

Doctor: well im living life.

she smiled.  then doc turned towards me.

Doctor: hi....ummm?

Prod: craig crippen. im her husband.

Doc smiled spread even wider across her face.

Doctor: its so nice to finally meet you!....on her last check up she just went on and on and on about how perfect you are.

I smiled. wow she think im perfect.

Tatiana but her head down and blushed from embarrassment. I whispered into her ear. "don't be embarrassed baby, I think its cute." I said as I kissed her cheek.

Doctor: awwww you guys are just soooo cute!! iv been Tatiana's doctor since she was 18 I knew she would get her a great man she has a good head on her shoulders.

I smiled.

Prod: I know right. how did I get so blessed?

doc smiled even wider.  damn if she smiled any more her fucking face is going to crack!

Doing It Wrong (When A Good Thing Goes Bad.) sequel.Where stories live. Discover now