Chapter 1

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~Adriana's POV~

Life for me was pretty great. I had my best friend Kyla, my boyfriend Connor, loving parents, good grades, I was pretty much happy.

"Baby, are you sure you wanna be wearing that to orientation? It's too revealing." Connor said.

Connor didn't like when I showed more than my arms. I didn't know why.

"It's just a tank top Connor. It's really hot outside. It's fine. Let's just go." I said.

"Whatever." He said.

Damn, rude much? We were starting our senior year. The last and final year of school. I had a good career going for me. Basketball. I loved playing. I was excited.

We arrived to the school. Connor held my hand the whole time. We took yet another tour around the school, meeting our new teachers, saying hello to old ones. I saw my best friend Kyla.

"What's your schedule Adriana?" Kyla asked.

I showed her my schedule as she smiled in excitement.

"We have the same classes!" She said.

"I'm so glad." I said.

I looked up and Connor was talking to Haylie.

Haylie was the most perfect, beautiful, and popular girl in our school. She really liked Connor and hated me for having him. I could tell he liked her too, which hurt a lot. I really liked Connor. Even though he liked to be controlling and got mad that I wasn't ready for sex yet, I still loved him.

"I have a bad feeling about them." I said.

"Yeah, I don't like how close she's getting to your man." Kyla said.

"I don't like how close he's getting to her." I said.

"She needs to back the hell off." She said.

Connor came up to me.

"Ready to go?" Connor asked.

"Yeah, I am. I'll see you in a few days Kyla." I said.

Kyla hugged me goodbye as Connor unlocked his car.

"We don't have any classes together." Connor said.

"That's okay. We have lunch." I said.

"Yeah, I guess so." He said.

His hand went on my thigh, going upwards. I hated when he did that without permission. I just had to go with it. He dropped me off at my house, giving me a kiss goodbye. He didn't even say he loved me anymore.


I got ready for bed, brushing my hair. My twin brother Aiden had his best friend Spencer over. Spencer was a pretty nice guy. Him and Connor hated each other for some reason.

"Hey Adri!" Spencer said.

"Hey Spence. What's your schedule?" I asked.

"I have it right here." He said, handing me his schedule.

We had every class together. Even weight training.

"We have every class together." I said.

"Your little boy toy isn't gonna be too fond of that." He said.

"Connor can get over it." I said.

"What's your schedule?" Aiden asked.

I compared my schedule with Aiden's, we had every class together.

"Guess who has every class with Connor?" Spencer asked.

"Who?" I asked.

"Haylie." He said.

Haylie was also with Spencer.

"God. She likes him a lot. I think he's starting to like her too." I said.

"He should be liking you. That's not right." Spencer said.

I shrugged. After Spencer went home I got ready for bed. I texted Connor goodnight and got nothing back. I tried calling him.

"Hello?" Connor answered.

"I wanted to say goodnight and that I love you." I said.

"Goodnight, I love you too." Connor said.

Finally, I got a fucking I love you.


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