Chapter 16

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I woke up exhausted as hell. I had another game today along with senior night.

I got in some sweatpants and a shirt, doing my makeup and putting my hair in a low bun. I wanted to be comfy.

I decided to call Spencer.

"Hmm?" Spencer answered in his sleepy tone.

"Baby you're gonna be late for school." I said.

"Oh shit I didn't even realize what time it was. It's okay. I'll be there soon." He said.

"Okay." I said.

I hung up, pulling into the parking lot. Spencer had come in late. His hair was all messy. It was cute. He put on his hat of course, but he was always so cute.

He sat next to me, smiling at me as he got to his assignment.

After our class I had P.E. I hated it only because one of Haylie's best friends was in there but I loved it because I had Spencer in the class.

I kept the clothes I had on since they were sweatpants and a shirt, I took off my jacket I had on.

I walked to the gym and found Spencer, instantly going to him.

"Hi." I said, hugging him.

"Hi you." Spencer said, rubbing my back.

"I'm sore from last nights game." I said.

"After tonight get a lot of rest for the weekend." He said.

"I know." I said.

After P.E. we went to all of our other classes before lunch. When we finally made it to lunch Spencer and I sat at our usual table.

I scooted closer to him as he wrapped his arm around my waist, lifting his hand up my shirt. It gave me butterflies when he did that.

"Are you okay love?" Spencer asked me.

"Yeah, I'm just really tired." I said.

"Okay." He said, kissing me.

I ate my food as Kyla and Aiden came and sat down.

"I'm so excited for senior night. I heard coach went all out." Kyla said.

"I'm sure she has, yet she makes the lower grades and the managers do the work while she walks around and criticizes it." I said.

"You're not wrong there." She said with a laugh.

"I'm just glad I can go home and relax a bit. I'm sore." I said.

"Me too dude. That game was too intense I pulled a back muscle." She said.

After school I went home and stretched. Spencer was in my room with me.

I started to get changed into my basketball clothes.

"Do you need me to look away mama?" Spencer asked.

"No, you're okay. You've seen me before." I said.

"I just wanted to make sure." He said, smiling.

I took my shirt off, getting my white tight shirt and basketball jersey along with the shorts.

"I'm so excited to be done with this and just sleep my way through the weekend." I said.

"I'm gonna be here with you." He said.

"I wanna go to your house." I said.

"That's okay too." He said, kissing me.

I grabbed my things and got into Spencer's car.

"When the game's over take me to my house so I can freshen up and pack some things okay?" I asked.

"You got it boss." He said.

He gently put his hand on my thigh. I smiled. He was so gentle.

We got to the gymnasium and I kissed him as I went over to my team and he went to where my parents and Aiden were.

After getting everything ready we started the walk. I was the second person to walk. I held Spencer's hand.

They did Kyla first, she had only walked with her brother because her parents didn't care.

"Next is Adriana Baker with her twin brother Aiden Baker, her mother Laura Baker, her dad Daniel Baker, and her boyfriend, Spencer James." The announcer said.

I walked down with Spencer and my family, taking a photo.

"Adriana has scored 900 points this whole season, and she has been dedicated to success ever since she started her Freshman year. She says to take everything slow because life happens faster than you think. She will be attending Northern Arizona University." He said.

I kissed Spencer goodbye as he went to the bleachers with Aiden and my parents sat with them.

We ended up winning again, I was so glad.

After the game I went to Spencer, walking with him to the car.

"God I'm so tired." I said.

"Yeah, I bet." Spencer said.

I got in his car as he drove us to my house. We went in and I showered, washing all the sweat and body odor off of me. When I was done I put on a bra and underwear, wrapping my towel around me and going into my room where Spencer was. I got some comfortable clothes on, packing some stuff into a bag.

"You ready to go baby?" Spencer asked.

"Yes I am." I said, grabbing my charger.

"Okay." He said, carrying my bag as we went back to his car, heading over to his house.

He set my bag down by his bed, setting his keys on his nightstand and taking off his jacket and his hat.

"I'm gonna get changed, you don't have to look away because I'm only changing my pants." Spencer said.

"Okay." I said.

Spencer took off his shirt, along with his pants and getting into sweatpants and leaving his shirt off.

"It's pretty hot in here huh?" Spencer asked, running his hand through his hair.

"Yeah." I said.

"Mkay. I don't know how to fix the AC and it's gonna take awhile to find someone." He said.

"I'll just take my shirt off." I said.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yes." I said.

"Okay." He said, sitting down. I took my shirt off, laying in his arms.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, turning on music. It started raining.

"This is nice." I said.

"Yeah." Spencer said, running his hand up and down my back.

It started thundering and I hid my face in his chest. He started gently kissing my neck.

"You're okay." Spencer said.

God I think I loved him. I felt like I loved him.

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