Chapter 11 - Not a Fitting Pair

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Your tail sat uncomfortably snug in your suit. Your ears squashed by your hood as your nose itched under the mask. It felt as if your black and (C/C) suit was pinching you at every angle, irritating places you didn't even know existed. You don't remember your suit feeling so pinchy.

Pulling down your mask you let out a breathe of hot air, the morning wind soothing your face. with closed eyes, a small smile fell onto your lips as you smelt the fresh morning dew on the grass and leaves. Morning were always peaceful and calm. It was generally a time you enjoyed to do missions. Always quite and slow, the only noise falling upon your ears was the sweet sound of flicky's-


Eyes opening, you glanced at the irritable metal hedgehog copy that stood next to you on the tree branch you hid in. Rolling your eyes, you kept your balance as the robot next to your shifted on the branch uncomfortable. You could easily tell Eggman hadn't bothered to install balancing mechanics into his Sonic as he had all his weight leaning against the tree's trunk.

When he continued to move around you harshly whispered, "Stop moving!"

You felt the branch bounce under your feet, rustling the leaves that covered the both of you from view. Metal let out an impatient buzz, his claws digging into the wood. Your ear twitched under your hood as you heard his internal systems chuff. Patiently you sighed. Lowering yourself to the branch, you held onto it with one hand while on the tip of your toes. Peeking through the lush leaves, your eyes analysed the target.

The local museum.

Your eyes darted from left to right, noting the position of the guards that patrolled the building. Closing your eyes, you briefly remembered the task.

"You get in and get out. Objective, get that tablet." Scourge quickly spoke through the ear piece as you and Metal rushed to you positions.

From memory, the tablet was old and faded from its many years of life. You didn't note it of any importance other than it probably being worth a lot. But that didn't strike you as odd, what was odd was Eggman's constant suggestion of Metal accompanying you for the mission. You could steal anything without anyone noticing. He knew that better than anyone. So why did Metal have to accompany you so badly? Whatever the reason, you didn't like it. Eggbreath was up to something, you just didn't know what.

Next to your silent, and contemplating form, Metal let out another cry of impatience. Bitting your bottom lip, you forced yourself to not outright yell at the stupid robot.

"Shut it bolts, your gonna get us caught. We gotta' wait for the guards change remember, then we have a five minute opening. It's only a few more minutes to wait. So, to be polite, shut your butt up," you quietly spat. You knew your words fell onto deaf ears as Metal shuffled around more. His systems churned and huffed, his eyes darting everywhere in irritation.

Unhooking his claws from the tree, you watched helplessly as his last straw was drawn. He bent his legs down and pushed off, emerging from the green leafage like a apex predator. You could almost see the heat of his systems leave a trail of fire in his wake. In seconds he barged his way into the Museum, tripping very single alarm that ever existed.

Helplessly you shouted after him, "Don't... go... in there- and he's gone. Idiot. No one ever listens to the woman on the job." Pulling you mask over your muzzle, you regained your feet on the branch as you stood. With a crack of your knuckles, a stretch of your legs, and a tired sigh, of you chased after the Sonic copy.

Having him apart of this mission was a dumb idea. You both hated each other's guts after the last few experiences you have shared.

He wanted to kill you.

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