Chapter 36 - An Unstoppable Love

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Orange fur with yellow undertones. White muzzle and chest. Pointy ears and twin tails with white tips on the ends. Crystal sky blue eyes that shine like diamonds. A fox who was the smartest in existence. And he was yours. He was your Tails.




Eyes snapping open, your body lurched up. Your skin stretched tight from where scars where healing, your heart painfully beating. Light overstimulated your eyes by their brightness, the white walls not helping. Closing your eyes from the burning light, you groaned. A huge migraine politely attacking your brain with a baseball bat. Lifting a hand to your face, you rubbed your eyes and the brim of your nose in an attempt to relive your head.

A gentle hand pressed against your back making you jump. Glancing to the side, your tired heart painfully skipped a beat as you were met with the handsome face of Tails. He gave you a resurging smile, his lips moved but you couldn't hear his words as your ears rung. It took a few moments for your other senses to catch up, all worn out. Staring at him blankly, you slowly heard his soothing voice reach your ears.

"-Everything is fine," he comforted, his hand moving in circles along your back. Blinking rapidly, your eyes adjusted to the light, reducing your headache as your eyes no longer needed to squint in order to see. Glancing around, you instantly knew where you were.

White walls, blue blankets and gown, metal bed, machines around you, you were in a hospital. Your body was covered with bandages, the cream under the soothing your hot skin. Machines were wired up to you, each piercing your delicate skin with their needles. You noticed patched of fur that were shaved off either for surgery or from being burnt off. You looked like an old balding cat. Sighing, you only imagined how long of a healing process this was going to take. Not even including the time it would take for your fur to return to normal, if it could.

Shifting your eyes to Tails, his love for you shone in his eyes despite your mattered appearance. Your heart soared. But it came crash landing as you took in Tails himself. He was in as bad as a shape as you. Mattered fur, burns on his skin, IV drip in his wrist. One of his ears was badly damaged, a huge gash slicing the top in half in a 'V' shape.

"Are you okay," you ask hoarsely. Your throat stung as you spoke, dry from your extended sleep. Swallowing dryly, Tails passed you a glass of water that sat on the table beside your bed. Handing it to you, you thanked him with a nod.

As you drank, Tails gave his reply, "I should be asking you that, you dealt with that much electricity for twice the time I did." Finishing your water, you handed him the glass so he could put it down. As he did, your eyes widened at his words.

He ran after you.

Even though he knew that it could kill the both of you.

He went after you... willingly.

Your heart grew ten sizes.

"You ran in after me?" you asked, your voice sounding surprised even though that wasn't the intention. You shouldn't have been surprised, he has saved you on multiple occasions. So he shouldn't be able to surprise you anymore.

Oh, but he can.

After your words left your lips, Tails leaned forwards and took your lips. Your eyes widened and you heart jumped as he kissed you. Tails kept his eyes closed as he wrapped his arms around you to pull you closer. Falling into the kiss, you wrapped your own arms around him, one hand pressing against the back of his head. Pulling back, he leaned his forehead against yours, both your faces flushed.

"Of course I did, I care about you more than anything, I love you," his words were soft and held so much heart. Your chest bloomed, your tail wagging happily. In that moment, it was just you and him.

"I love you too," you confessed with just as much love.

A sniffle echoed from the doorway catching both yours and Tails's attention. Glancing at the door, you rolled your eyes as Sonic flicked away a fake tear from his eyes.

"That's adorable," he sniffed, placing a hand on his chest, "My little brother, all grown up."

"Sonic, get out," Tails shook his head, his eyes falling hallway to reveal his un-amusement at his brother.

"Where did the time go," the hedgehog continued with a smirk. As he caught sight of Tails's flat face, he spun around to leave the room. But not before pointing as his brother before closing the door and demanding, "I better be your best man! I will agree to a suit as long as there's no pants!" Before Tails could yell at him, Sonic shut the door. Chuckling with a blush ridden muzzle, Tails turned to you and gave a smile as you laughed. Softly bumping your nose with his, he stood up with a chuckle.

"Get your rest. I'm in the room over if you need me," he grinned, preparing to leave so you could sleep. You gave a yawn as if that idea was the best idea in the world. But you shut your mouth halfway through a yawn as a thought his you.

"What happened to Eggman?" Tails stopped in his exit to face you.

"Well, Sonic wasn't very amused that me and you were hurt so he kicked his butt into jail," he simply replied with a shrug.

"That ain't gonna last."

"No, but it's the thought that count," he commented. Both of you chuckled, resting smiles on your muzzles as you gazed at each other.

"Goodnight (Y/N)," Tails whispered.

"Goodnight Tails," you responded, your heart swelling as did his.

And you knew this was a love that couldn't never be stopped.


Please don't judge my kissing descriptions, I've never actually kissed someone (Lonely potato here) and I just went off stuff I have read ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yo its done! I'm kinda sad the adventure is over, I loved writing this book and am definitely planning on writing for the other Sonic characters, I'm just sad my Fox Boi is done. This entire book was a passion project and all your wonderful comments and words of encouragement pushed me to finish this story. So thank you for the inspiration and journey.

Now if you guys are questioning if I'm ever make another Tails x Reader???

Maybe ;)

It depends if I finish the other characters I am planning to write for before the end of the year.


Thank you for reading through the full book, Author over and out!

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