Chapter 34 - Time to Save Mobius... Or Not

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I don't do science, so don't judge me if the facts are wrong :)


Running through the streets of the town, you weave from left to right, avoiding the sea of Mobians as they approached you. Sliding on the ground, picking up a cloud of dust, you scrambled on the giving away ground as you continued to rush through the streets. Behind you and entire pack of Mobians chased after you, their footsteps heavy but fast. Your heart drummed in your chest, an odd excitement coursing through your veins.

Is this what being a hero is like... it feel heroic.

Turning a corner, you were hit with a new found determination as you hit a dead end. Jumping at the wall, you foot bent against the surface, using the momentum of your speed to create enough force to push you up the wall so you could grab on the ledge of the building. Heaving yourself up, you rolled over the edge. Breathing heavily, you instantly got to your feet as the Mobians climbed upon one another to reach you on the rooftop.

"Wait, so (Y/N) is the Ghost? You're the ghost?" Sonic asked you through the ear piece. You rolled your eyes at his surprise, his voice high, unable to believe you were once his enemy.

"Yup, better believe it," you replied with a spare breath, narrowly dodging a pack of Mobians as they found their way onto the rooftops. Legs aching, your lungs felt like they were bleeding as the metallic taste of adrenaline pierced your tongue.

"Seriously? You know how many of my quills you have snapped? You made me eat dirt once," he complained. Giggling at his response to your confirmation, you could almost see his foot tapping harshly against the floor.

"Heh, yeah, sorry about that," you breathed, leaping over an overcrowded gap between the buildings, hands grabbing at your ankles.

"Did Tails Know?"

"I did yes," he answers smoothly, the loud buzzing of tools echoing through the ear piece as he invented his plan to save Mobius. Sonic was lost for words, his voice catching in his throat, at a loss for words. Tails chuckled along with you.

"The whole time?"

"Yep, the whole time."

Once again lost for words, Sonic remained silent for a moment, his mind clearly wanting to catch up with the rest of him. Distracted by the conversation, you miss-timed a jump, landing yourself face first into the dirt. Shaking your head as you raised from the floor with one knee down the other up, your ears filled with the sound of approaching footsteps. Scrambling to your worn feet, you continued to run from your hoard of chasers.

"I hate to be that guy but," you yelped as you dodged a hand grabbing at you from an alley, "how much longer!" Your heart pounded in your ears, soon becoming the only sound you could hear along with the ringing as no reply came for a few minutes.

"Okay, I'm almost done," Tails confirmed, "Just a few more altercations and... We are ready to go!" A wave of relief washed over you at the thought of the chase almost being over. You've been running around town for at least two hours, you couldn't wait to just sit down a breathe for a moment. "Sonic do your thing," Tails called over the com.

Sonic grumbled, "I feel stupid wearing this." You rolled your eyes, knowing he was complaining about the harness he had to wear that attached to the invention tails was creating atop his laboratory's roof, a long metallic wire connecting Sonic and the invention. Tails's flew over to Sonic, the sound of his tails over Sonic's mic giving it away.

"Yes, now move your butt," Tails confirmed. Sonic sighed dramatically, his hands most likely fiddling with the harness.

"I'm going, I'm going," Sonic grumbled, his mic echoing with a harsh wind whistle as he ran in a constant circle. Smiling at the hedgehog's dramatic response, you spun your course around, making your way towards Tails's laboratory. In the distance, your eyes reflected the sight of a giant blue electronic field flicker to life. It created a dome around the fox's house. The electricity crackled and zapped like a roaring thunder storm.

"Okay (Y/N), you up," Tails called. Nodding to yourself, you ensured you took the shortest path to the electric dome, checking back every once and again to ensure you were being followed.

"On it," you confirmed, the last of your adrenaline taking you to the blue dome. Weaving through the streets, you heard Tails's tails rapidly spin, taking him up into the air. You could see him the the distance, looking like a tiny spec against the enteric field.

"Remember, don't go too far in. The light tingle you will be feeling will turn into a shock of 500 milliamps, a fatal current of electricity," Tails warned worryingly. You could see his brows crease as he watched the swarm of Mobians approach, knowing you were at the front of the pack. "I mean it," he whispered, "If the plan doesn't work we can always think of something else okay. If you face that force of electricity, you could die." Nodding at his words, even though he couldn't see you, you confirmed that you wouldn't risk anything.

The closer you got to the field, the more your heart raced. Fear settled in as the field came into view in front of you. This was it, no turning back now. Gulping, you kept your path straight, not allowing yourself one second to hesitate.

Blue surrounded you as you entered the field, the force pushing you back, making your tired legs feel heavier. More fatigued. Shaking your head you pushed forward enough so that all the Mobians of the town would be able to entre the electro magnetic field. The current felt like an odd tingle on your skin. It didn't hurt it just felt uncomfortable.

Facing the Mobians, you tiredly moved around them, dodging them as they entered the field. For a few minutes, you dodged their attacks, waiting for them to be set free. But nothing happened. If anything, you thought the machines that attacked to them grew stronger.

"Tails... It's not working!"

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