08. Shout Out to Chef Boyardee.

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Shout Out to Chef Boyardee.

I've found out Ellie takes a million and one days to take a piss, I stand outside the door of the run-down petrol station, bouncing from one leg to another, trying desperately not to pee myself.

Using the knuckle of my fist I hit the rusty door, "I'm going to rip this door off in about one second, so hurry the fuck up."

"I'm coming out, geez, no need for the drama," her voice bounces around the tiled walls, making it sound echoed.

"Wait 'til it's your bladder on the verge of exploding," I squeeze my eyes shut, my legs crossed over each other.

The door swings open, screeching on its rusty hinges.

"I'm tempted to punch your stomach," she smirks.

"Do that and I'll make sure I pee on your shoe," I give her a sarcastic smile and then hobble into the bathroom.

This bathroom is not quite as nice as Bill and Frank's, I'd bet my life on it not having hot water. Water drips from the ceiling, algae congeals in a clump on the tiled floor. The stall doors are ripped off partially, and the metal mirror is dented and scratched making it hard to be able to see yourself. The entire room is freezing due to the tiles encasing it.

Peeing after needing to so badly you were mere moments from pissing yourself is heavenly, almost worth the chance of pissing yourself.

We make stops every hour to refuel, Joel explained something about the petrol breaking down, or something like that, I'd just taken a nap and wasn't really paying attention.

Walking out the toilet I notice Ellie and Joel talking, standing next to a car, collecting the petrol into a red bottle.

After my nap my headache is beginning to subside, the world doesn't seem as bright and loud noises don't make me want to end it all.

Getting back in the truck I wait for Ellie and Joel to finish whatever they're doing, Ellie walks over first.

"Wanna hear a joke?" She asks, I look at her through the rearview mirror, "I'm taking that as a yes," she clears her throat, opening up a book that's seen better days. "No matter how much you push an envelope, it'll still be stationary." She looks up at me, making eye contact through the mirror.

"That was awful," I tell her honestly.

"You and Joel are no fun, you don't respect Will Livingston." She shakes her head, sitting back against the chair. "I think I've figured out how you two are connected," Ellie says, sounding confident.

"Have you now," I mumble, having no confidence she's cracked the code.

"He's your uncle, his brother is your dad," her confidence is all for nothing.

"Not even close, I have no relation to Joel Miller, we do not share any genes," I tell her.

Her shoulders slump, "God parent?"

"No kind of parent."

"I'll ask him, he'll tell me." That's wishful thinking.

I snort, "No, he won't. You're making it sound a whole lot more interesting than it is."

"Well if it's boring, just tell me," she pleas, leaning forward in her seat.

"Ellie," I warn, giving her the obvious sign I want her to drop it. She falls back against the seat, a few seconds later Joel gets back in the truck and we're back on the road.

"Must've been some truck," Ellie says, I look around, the vast area surrounding us is barren of any living plant matter, cars are abandoned along the road, looking rough, to say the least. The cars that were once stacked bumper to bumper on the road have been cleared to either side.

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