Chapter 1: We could have been heroes.

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Note: This is a work of fiction. The author unfortunately did not search facts thoroughly.


As my head is resting on the bars that separates me fron the sitting police, I tried to ignore the pointless bickering in front of me. I sighed knowing that this won't stop anytime soon.

Hi. My name is Katniss Everdeen, I was in the Hunger Games, I escaped. Peeta... Peeta was left behind. Just kidding. I am definitely not Katniss. That girl is just a character from the book I stole from my friend Jess. It was a great story. Anyways, she wasn't mad at me for stealing her three precious books. She understands that it is inevitable. I'm a kleptomaniac, I itch to steal things. But, excuse me, I returned it after reading all of them.

If you think that the reason I'm behind bars is because of this illness of mine, damn right it is. I was caught shoplifting in another town's convenience store.

"Can't you understand sir? I already told you. She has illness. Here's her medical certificate. She can't help it. Can't you excuse her this time? Just this time we promise. Please, we really need to go." My blonde friend Jess once again pleaded with the policeman in front of her. And as what he has been doing all along, he denied the certification. "Miss, it isn't an excuse. Theft is theft in the eyes of the law. Besides, she's a minor, she'll only be here until tonight. She'll be safe here. Go wherever you have to go."

I nodded as the police told Jess that, I smiled widely at her and shooed her away. "Bye Jess, see yah!" She sputtered, "B-but they might replace you! It's the last rehearsal Ree!" I just rolled my eyes on her. Do I look like I care? I don't wanna be their showgirl for a silly parade tradition. I won't be wearing a dress and make-up to just smile and wave to everyone. That's just yuck in my dictionary.

"Just head back here after, Jess." She only huffed and stuffed back the papers to her bag. "Fine! Gosh Ree!" Jess gave me one last look- her infamous killer glare- and turned around to leave the station. "Don't tell Mom!"

"Or Dad! Love you Jess!" I hope she heard me.

The police smiled at me in an amused way then went back to reading his newspaper. I sighed, good thing this station is small and it's just me inside the cell. This is going to be a loooong wait.

I closed the door of the car and sat down on the driver's seat, giddy that I got out of that boring place, just as Jess did the same but in an annoyed manner. She's talking to me but I didn't listen to her, surely she's just nagging me about being careful and responsible or maybe about what happened at the rehearsals and set up. I started to drive away from the police station. "...and then we set up the lights on the float..." I hummed in agreement to her just to make it look like I'm listening. But who am I fooling? She knows when I'm bluffing. "Are you even listening?" She asked, scowl seemingly permanent on her face. I turned to her, "Of course I am." and gave her a shit-eating grin. It did not deter her scowl (Yup! It's permanent). "Bullsh!t."

I couldn't help but snort at that. But, this conversation is like any other; she'll continue to rattle at me anyway. "Anyways Ree, you're lucky! They didn't replace you as Amy. I was so nervous earlier when they're scolding me for being late and without you in tow!" I chuckled 'cause I could see what might have happened earlier in my head. "They could have just saved themselves trouble by just giving the role to Tiffany. She wants it anyways."

"She's a bitch, she does not deserve to be Amy. And she's blonde!"

We are nearing the park of this town, and I'm steering the wheel to park the car near the town park.

"Last year's Amy is blonde. She wore a wig."

Jessica's forehead creased in confusion. At first, I thought she was thinking about last year's parade. But apparently, she wasn't. She looked at her surroundings and turned to me so fast I thought she'll get a whiplash.

"Why are we here? And to point out earlier's argument, you look like Amy, she could be mistaken as your ancestor or something." She said as she removes the lock of the seatbelt. I undid the belt on me too and turned off the engine. "To live a little, and to counter that, I most definitely do not." I opened the car door and went out to feel the night breeze.

"You most definitely do."

We sat down on the grass, phone and speakers on my hand. Luckily, there are no people around, well, it's past curfew. I tapped play, and the song serenaded us, creating a peaceful and comforting silence between us.

Anybody's got the power
They don't see it cause they don't understand
Spin around and round for hours
You and me, we got the world in our hands

I wish everyday is like this.
I casted a glance to my side, seeing Jess' eyes closed. She seemed dovish, smiling minutely to herself. The moon illuminates her hair, tied to a ponytail, swishing from side to side a little. She looks beautiful basking in the night glow. She's so beautifully normal, that I feel like I could never be. I'm jealous of what she has, but somehow I'm thankful she's with me.

Everyday people do everyday things but I
Can't be one of them
I know you hear me now, we are a different kind

BANG! And blood curling scream.

We both got startled, and stood up fast. I unplugged the speakers from my phone. "What was that?" Jess asked. "Gun shot?" I muttered meekly.

The breeze, once comforting now ran ice cold on my skin. The hairs on my whole body is standing up, my heart thumping fast. I held on Jess' hand, she squeezed mine. We looked around to see where it came from. "We should go Ree. I-I don't think it's safe here anymore." I only nodded and we started to walk away but suddenly there was another scream, weaker than the previous. There's a woman clutching her side running towards us, she fell on the ground. "Oh my gosh, is she dead?!"

My mind is saying no, but my body moved on its own, running to her, to help her. My phone and speakers fell from my hand as I ran towards the woman. I heard Jess' footsteps behind me. The woman on the ground looks like she's writhing in pain, she's alive. I knelt down on the grass to help the woman sit. She's bleeding, oh my God. "Jess, call an ambulance, a police!" From the corner of my eye, I saw her scramble for her phone inside the pockets of her jeans.

The woman can barely stand, crying, muttering " Help me please." I'm shushing her, telling her everything's gonna be fine. Which I'm not sure it will be. "Damn it, my phone died!" Jess growled in frustration. "The powerbank's inside the car, get it, we'll follow. Call for help immediately."

Jess dashed to where the car was parked as I and the injured woman struggle to find a balance. I put my right arm on her and her left arm on my shoulder. "Are you okay? I-I mean, you can hold up until we get you to the hospital right?" She only cried in response. It seems that that is the only thing she can do now. Her crying does nothing to soothe my panic. My chest tightens, possibly palpitating right now. Sweat is breaking out of me, which makes handling the woman become slippery. The person who shot her might still be somewhere around and might get back again. Awful scenarios sneak inside my head. I am going to die. Oh my God, help me.

As we are still limping towards the car, I saw a tiny glint of silver. The woman was wearing a bronze heart-locket necklace. It looked so appealing, my hand itched a little. We are walking but my eyes seemed to find it hard to not look at it.

"Stop!" a man's voice snarled from behind. Just then I noticed my free hand going towards the woman's neck. Damn it, this is not the time for you to get all klepty Ree!

I was spacing out with the shock of my uncontrolled sickness, I almost didn't notice the woman untangling herself from me. I looked at her and she smiled ruefully at me. She mouthed 'thank you', then bang!

She fell on the ground with a thud. I screamed, tears burst out of my eyes. The woman's eyes are still open, blood seeping out of her white blouse.

I turned around only to find the killer running away.

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