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    Sophia is awoken to Mia shaking her telling her to get up. "Do you want to know what you are or not?" Mia says. Sophia is confused and is even more confused as to why Liam is in her room. "Sophia.. You saved someone's life yesterday. I am sure you are really confused so I am just going to come out and say it.. You're a banshee, like me." Sophia is even more confused now. "What the hell is a banshee" Sophia asks confused. "Banshee's can sense death.. Whether that be someone who already died or is about to die. That's how I found the body and that's how you saved that guy." Sophia starts to laugh, "You guys are just joking right..?" Mia looks at Liam and Liam steps forward, Sophia back away a little. "Sophia we aren't joking and that explains everything right? The voices, the scream. The scream clears your head so you can hear the voices better or.. when you find the body you scream to let everyone know they are dead." Sophia looks scared and doesn't believe them. Liam steps forward and Mia gets closer to Sophia. "Sophia.. Liam is a Oillioheist, meaning he can shape-shift into a half dragon creature..." Sophia backs away "Stop both of you, is this a joke? Are you trying to make me feel even more insane?" Liam puts his head down and cocks it up. His eyes glowing like a snake's eyes.. Sophia backs all the way into the corner and starts yelling for help. Liam backs off and Mia tells her that she is okay and safe. "Sophia you are with us now.. You might as well get used to it."

    Sophia starts to hear this Electric noise and she looks at the light in the room. Mia and Liam look at her in confusion. "You guys don't hear that..?" Sophia asks. They both shake their heads no. Mia asks what she heard and Sophia tells her, "Electricity..". Liam starts to walk toward her when she screams and Mia falls to the ground with blood coming out of her ears. The doctors rush in and start to carry her to the same office as before. Sophia stops them and looks in the direction of the basement door. She points and starts walking toward the door. The doctors follow her and they follow her all the way down to the basement. The doctors look shocked when they find a man electrocuted to death. Sophia looks around and see's that the machine that electrocuted him is off. Sophia tells the doctors, "If he did it to himself then who turned the machine off?" The doctors have a worried look on their faces and they tell the orderlies to take them back to their rooms. Later in the day when they are outside, Sophia has decided to trust Mia since her story about her checks out. Sophia thinks maybe if she just starts to listen to the voices she can find someone before they are dead. Since Sophia has accepted the fact that she is a banshee, Mia decided to introduce her to her friends. "Alright Sophia, This is Alex and this is Noah." Mia says introducing Sophia to them both. "Are they like vampires and werewolves?" Mia laughs "No Alex has a multi-personality disorder but takes his meds so he is fine now, and Noah is completely fine but he knows about banshees and admitted himself here so he could protect us." Sophia thinks he is stupid for admitting himself for no reason but she doesn't dwell on it for too long. "So if you're all better now then why don't you just leave?" Sophia asks Alex. "Well I don't really have any living family and I was admitted when I was a child so I have no other friends so I asked if I could just stay here."

    When the buzzer sounds to let them know it is time for dinner they all say goodbye and Mia and Sophia walk in the cafeteria. They both eat their dinner while the doctors are watching them for any strange signs. When Sophia heard a loud banging noise she looks at Mia with a worried look in her eyes. "Sophia someone just dropped their tray don't worry too much" as Mia laughs a little at Sophia's paranoia. They finish dinner and go back to their rooms to got to sleep.

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