iii. laughing blue eyes

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𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 ——— pleasing a stormlaughing blue eyes ——— 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 ——— pleasing a storm
laughing blue eyes ——— 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

          THE HOUSE HAD BEEN EMPTY SINCE EARLY MORNING. And the silence in it was just killing me. Despite everything, I decided not to call my mother, knowing that she probably wouldn't answer the phone anyway, although maybe I just felt resentful towards her for throwing me out of the house.

When I got home at night, my mother threw herself at me and started hugging me, while saying how worried she was, and I couldn't hold back the tears hearing this. And they were not tears of joy at all, but of the very negative emotions that had been bubbling inside my body and mind for a long time. Anger, sadness, or hatred for myself and everyone around me were able to make themselves known at the most unexpected moments. I was able to blame everyone for my unhappiness, but most often it was my own father. I hated him for leaving me in this hell. Every day I wondered what he was doing, where he was and if he was even alive? Does he already have a new family? I dreamed of meeting him, just to tell him how much I hated him. Unfortunately, I was unable to find him. It was as if he had disappeared.

This situation made it clear to me that there was something wrong with my mother, and I should nevertheless get out of this house before she ruined me completely. After every argument, I promised myself that I would get out, but somehow it never worked out, and I didn't know why I felt so attached to someone who was so toxic. Living away from her was the biggest dream I was so afraid of fulfilling, but maybe soon Rafe Cameron will help me do it.

Lying on the bed, I checked my phone from time to time, hoping that Cameron would somehow get back to me. After all, such a proposal doesn't happen often, right? He should have agreed by then, and I was sure he would, but I guess I was hoping for too much. My phone had been silent for a good dozen hours, and I was slowly losing hope that he would do it at all. Of course, Rafe was not my target, but who else could bring me into their world? Whenever I met someone worthy of attention, I would immediately kick him in the ass.

Feeling that I was slowly starting to get bored, I rolled out of bed and walked over to the closet and just threw all the clothes out of it. Folding them definitely relaxed me and I loved doing it. There was only one, tiny problem — whenever I was looking for something, I would throw everything out, hoping that just that particular thing would fall into my hands. That's how I was able to fold those clothes even several times a week. Appearance has always been important to me, I loved to dress up and look my best as my budget allowed. From the time I turned fifteen, I grabbed any job they were willing to give me, until finally the house was on my head because my mother preferred to party and abuse alcohol.

Hearing the familiar notification, I almost jumped off the floor where I was sitting and grabbed my phone. I wonder what my face looked like, seeing that it was only JJ, who asked on our group conversation if we were going drinking today. I swear that boy has a liver of steel!

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