•Part 7 | Bond With Ford•

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You woke up and could use a coffee to get yourself started. You got up from bed and changed into some clean clothes. And wrote a note saying you were going out for coffee if they wondered where you went. You walked downstairs and out the door, you started the walk to the same diner, you like the place and you didn't know anywhere else to eat.

You got to the diner in about 10 minutes and the waitress, Pacifica wasn't there today, instead, a nice old lady with one eye closed in a dull pink dress with an apron walked over and seated you, you already knew what you want and ordered the coffee. You waited peacefully for it to come.

After a few minutes, you got your coffee and you were calmly sipping it. You weren't slipping into thoughts because you were far too tired to try. And besides, you felt comfortable with the world at the moment. Even if Stanford knows about your eye, Mabel spoke to him, you trust Mabel enough.

You finished your coffee and walked outside, you checked your phone, it was around mid-day at 12 o'clock. You went back to the shack and Stanford was awake, in the kitchen. "Good morning Y/N." He said looking up from a red, damaged journal with a gold hand on the front. "Good morning Stanford," you say in return, he looks less stern than usual.

"You can call me Ford if you want." He said looking at your eyepatch for a sec and back down at the journal. After a moment, you spoke, " What are you reading.?" You said taking a step into the room and peeking over at the book. "It's an old journal of mine that dipper wrote in a few times, from when I first moved in around here," Ford said closing the book and sliding it a bit away from him on the table.

"And how long ago did you move in?" You said out of pure curiosity. "About 30 years ago, I got this cabin built here." He said raising his arm to gesture to the house and put it back down. "So you like, paid a crew to make this cabin?" You said taking a few more steps in the room, now fully standing in front of the table where Ford was sitting. "Yeah, I did." He said smiling and turning to the window.

"Wow, that's so- cool." You said sitting at the table with him now. "What about you, do you have anything 'cool'?" He said turning to you now, "Yeah I guess, I have an old journal of my own when I was an astrologist." You said shrugging and glancing at the journal, with a big '3' over the gold, six-finger hand. "May I see it?" Ford said leaning in. "Uhh yeah let me go get it-" you said standing up to go get it.

You came back down and Ford was still sitting there, you set the old book on the table and sat back down. "Go ahead, just a bunch of old notes, like constellations, star names, and notes to remember where things were at the place." He grabbed the book and flipped through a few pages, stopping on certain ones to read the side notes you had left. "Wow, this is nice, you have great handwriting Y/N"

He said setting the book down and sliding it over to you. "Oh- thanks," you felt your face get a bit red. You slid the book a bit closer to you. "What about anything else? Surely the job was nice, do you still work there?" He said curiously. "No, not anymore, my old boss got a bit- ehh grabby. So I quit. But I'm pretty set on cash." You said trying to avoid saying 'handsy' because well, his hands.

"Oh, sorry for bringing it up." He said almost instantly. "Oh it's fine, I quit before anything too bad happend, I've been over it for a bit-." You both sat in silence for a moment, before you spoke up. "What time is it? I think we've been talking for about an hour-" you say checking your phone.

"Really? I guess I never noticed, Stan goes to the gift shop to work all day and the kids went over the Candy and Grenda's house for a sleepover tonight, so I suppose nobody came to stop us." He said after thinking a moment. "Yeah, it's a bit after 1 now." You said and slid your phone back into your pocket.

"Thanks for letting me look at your journal," He said. "Uh yeah, no problem," you said, standing up and walking to the kitchen doorway. "One more thing Y/N," Ford said, you turned your head back to him and he was facing the window again. "Your eye looks beautiful. Don't be scared to show it, I wasn't with my hands." He said raising his hand up and waving it. You felt your face get flushed.

After a single second, you muttered, "thanks," and you sped out of the room. It felt nice to talk with him after all that. The compliment about your eye made you feel nice, after all the insults over the years. You got into your room, took the note from earlier and threw it in a small trash can in the room, put the book down, and tried to relax.

Honestly, you couldn't relax, you were too happy about the compliment, you were just sitting there like a child, getting happy over the small things in life. After the at least 10 minutes you calmed yourself down. You walked back out of your room and back to the kitchen, Ford wasn't there. You didn't wanna be rude and just take something from the fridge so you looked in the living room and he wasn't there either.

You walked around trying to find where he was, you walked past a vending machine, that seemed normal, but there was a light coming from under it. You didn't wanna snoop so you let it be but knew it had to be a door. You walked outside to the porch, and you sat on the chair out there and zoned out, filling your head with questions, about the vending machine.

After a few thoughts, you passed out on the chair, you weren't really tired but you were comfortable enough to just start sleeping.

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