•Part 23| Date Night•

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You woke up to waddles jumping onto your gut, knocking the wind out of you, and making the now-healed gash on your gut feel sore. You chuckled a bit and pet the pig that was resting on you, ignoring the open door to your room. Waddles was a good pig and behaved kinda like a dog, so you happily petted the pig and booped his pig snoot a few times.

You sat up In your bed, waddles still on your lap. You sighed and petted the pig some more as you looked out the window. This was a very peaceful moment..and you looked at the clock which you set up on the nightstand, it was only 7 pm, and the sun might be setting soon. That must look so peaceful in this valley.

Then you heard tiny footsteps running down the hall, and waddles perked up, making a few pig noises as he did. Mabel ran up to the doorway and glanced in, seeing you there with waddles on your lap. "Can we help you?" You asked with a smirk before Waddles jumped down off your lap and waddled (name puns lol) over to Mabel.

"I was just wondering where waddles went along with coming to tell you something. What was it...OH YEAH-! Great Uncle Ford wants to see you. He's in the kitchen." She said with. A smile as she picked Waddles up into her arms. "I'll be right down." You said as you got out of bed. Mabel walked out of your room.

You fixed your hair before walking out of your room and down to the kitchen, where Ford was waiting at the table, looking out the window. When he saw you enter the room, he smiled softly and stood up, walking over to you and kissing your forehead. "Hello, dear." He said warmly.

You smiled at him. "Good evening, Fordsie. Mabel told me you wanted to see me?" You said softly, looking up at him. "Yes, I did. I wanted to go on a date tonight. To watch the sunset, and then see the stars. Out here, they are wonderful because of the low light pollution, and I know a small clearing we could walk to, so we can see them without the trees in the way. The clearing was actually an alien spaceship crashing but I can assure you the aliens have been dead for millions of years. Probably. Me and Dipper went inside and found the security system..that was a rough adventure. Oh, I've lost my train of thought-! Date tonight?"

You giggled at Ford, as his train of thought did tend to wander. But this date night sounded wonderful, so you nodded before speaking. "Sounds awfully romantic. But still, it sounds lovely, and I'd love to. Should I go get ready?" You asked calmly. "Come as you are. You're always lovely, no matter what you wear." He said with a loving smile. "As are you." You retorted before getting on your tippy toes to kiss his cheek.

He smiled and laughed at your actions. He sounded so lovely when he laughed, and now you had the guts to point it out. "You sound wonderful when you laugh, you should try it more often." You said with a warm smile. He smiled down at you and was about to speak up again before Mabel cut him off from behind you in the kitchen doorway by clicking a camera. "You two should have a picnic if you're going all the way out there!" She said, taking the photo out of the camera as it printed.

You turned around to face Mabel and spotted the photo she had taken of you two. "Scrapbooking?" You asked, and Ford immediately responded to you. "Scrapbooking." Mabel giggled. "She is right though, a picnic would be nice wouldn't it?" You said as your head turned to look at Ford. He nodded. "She's always right about romantic things." You agreed silently and looked back at Mabel.

"So how long have you been-?" "The whole time." She cut you off with a smile. "Noted. How about you go play with Waddles while we plan our date?" You suggested, and it seemed like she was about to say something before she shrugged and ran off the the living room.

"Is she always that silent?" You asked as you looked back at Ford. "Yes." He said with a nod. "And how often does she do that?" You asked, now fully facing him. "Any time something is happening that has to do with romance." He said in return. "Noted. Now about her suggestion for a picnic- that actually sounds really nice. Are you okay with that?" You asked. "More than okay with it. It's a wonderful idea. I'll make it for us, could you go find a blanket for us to sit on while we're out there?" He said with a warm smile.

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