•Part 16 | Intense Encounter•

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You woke up and felt pretty well rested for waking up twice in the middle of the night. You stood up, stretched, and yawned before changing into a pair of dark blue jeans, with real pockets and a light purple T-shirt. You decided not to wear an eyepatch today, because you honestly got pretty comfortable without it. You brushed your hair, grabbed your phone and wallet, and decided a nice walk would be nice. Just to clear your mind. What could even go wrong? You were only gonna be out for about an hour.

You walked downstairs and saw Mabel and Dipper eating eggs bacon and toast for breakfast. "Good morning you two, I'm gonna head out for a walk so if Ford or Stan ask I'll be back around noon okay?" They both nodded and you walked outside, you didn't know any of the woods, not even the trail to the spot where Ford took you, but if you stayed on the trail it should be fine. So you walked off down a trail, turning on one that didn't lead back to town.

☆Timeskip Half An Hour☆

You got lost. You saw something a bit off the trail and thought it couldn't hurt to look, then lost the trail. You tried finding it but got more lost. At least you saw a cool red mushroom. You were aimlessly walking around, trying to find any trail or something to just know where you were, but it was hopeless. You eventually sighed and sat down on a tree stump. You checked your phone to see if you could call or get on MapApp.com (totally original I know) but you didn't have service, all you knew was that it was nearly noon. We're the pines gonna realize that you were even gone?

Ford POV:

I woke up in the morning and realized I didn't have my glasses on, and my door was shut. Did someone come into my room? I leaned up and a blanket slid off my shoulders. Someone definitely came in here last night. I felt around on the nightstand for my glasses and found them. I put on my glasses, stood up, and grabbed my trenchcoat. I walked out of my bedroom while putting it on.

I walked downstairs to see Mabel and Dipper speaking to each other at the table. They probably already had breakfast since it was around noon. "Hello kids," I said with a smile, the kids looked up to me, and they looked slightly worried. "Is something wrong?" They both looked at me, still clearly concerned.

"Y/N said she was going out for a walk and said she'd be back before noon and now that I think about it she probably didn't mean in town and she could be out in the woods alone-!" Mabel blurted out in a panic. I looked at the clock on the wall and it was only just past noon. "Okay, let's not panic. Maybe she had gotten a little sidetracked and will be here soon. If it's still 12:20 and she isn't back then-"

"BUT WHAT IF SHE'S HURT?!" Mabel shouted and interrupted me. She had a point, Y/N could be hurt or worse right now, and waiting would make it worse. I sighed heavily. "Stay here and let Stanley know the situation. I'm going out to find her now." I said sternly as I walked out of the kitchen. When I got outside I realized I didn't know where to start looking.

I looked on the ground and saw her shoe prints in the dry dirt, thanks to the tree cover the wind hadn't blown them away. I followed the trail for as long as I could until the ground got too wet and grassy to track her trail. So I followed the path that she seemingly went down, looking in all directions to see any sign of Y/N.

Back To You:

You heard a big branch snap behind you, you swung around and took a few steps back, the trees made the shade too dark to see what was there, but it sounded large like a bear or larger. It was growling and seemed to be just beyond your sight. You took another step back in fear, but that seemed to make it wanna attack. It lunged forward at you which made you scream immediately. it looked like a large goblin- gremlin? Whatever it was it was violent and attacking you. Your eyes locked in with its eyes and you were put into your worst fear.

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