XXIII ; Change

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- Looks like we'll have to sleep together.

- Given the size of the bed, this is not really a problem. I could get as far away from you as possible.

Minho giggles as he now tackles the taller boy's shoulders.

- I'll hold you against me then.

It's Hyunjin's turn to laugh. An amused smile forms on his lips as he closes his eyes to take more advantage of the preferential treatment he is being given.

Minho, for his part, he had laughed again at the dark haired's words.

He had also raised his eyes to the sky, but when they descend on the body of the tallest, he details something particular there.

- Hey, is that new?

He pauses the massage for a few seconds, sliding his hand down his upper back to reach the back of his neck and circle the "anomaly" with his index.

Hyunjin remains silent for a short while as he still doesn't open his eyes.

- Mmm. Yes. It is indeed new.

The lines that Minho draws on the taller's neck are none other than lines belonging to a tattoo.

In view of the skin still a little bulging around, the tattoo must have been freshly done.

- It's recent.

- Yes, I had it done maybe two or three weeks ago.

- What does it represent?

The lines of the drawing form a rose whose stem descends to the bottom of his neck. Two or three petals surround the flower from which a black liquid flows, and in front of it are Chinese characters.


- Biàn huà. If your Mandarin is still up to date then you'll have guessed that it means "change".

Minho blinks as he nods to himself. His index finger begins to trace the signs slowly as he waits for his further explanation.

- The rose you see represents the good sides of what a change can bring. The venom that drips from it, on the other hand, represents the opposite.

The older's lips part and his eyes stare at the design embedded in the skin of his neck.

- It's quite ironic when you think about it... By getting this tattoo, what I was trying to do was to experience a change, whatever its connotation. And here I am caught with you in a world where time can be stopped...

The brunette loses himself in his contemplation.

How come he didn't notice it sooner?

He brings his face a little closer to the taller's neck to detail the work that adorns it.

- You're right. It is...

The two boys plunge into a pleasant silence while the older one resumes the massage delicately.

But despite his concentration, Hyunjin's words start to loop in his mind.

"And here I am caught with you in a world where time can be stopped..."


"A world where time can be stopped..."


- Your tattoo is pretty.

Minho ends up breaking this silence, but it's not to displease the taller one.

On the contrary, this one smiles in a more detailed way due to his compliment.

- Thank you Minho. I think you're the pretty one around here though.

Somewhat taken aback, Minho starts to blush slightly. His cheeks and his ears welcome a rosy color and his lips stretch by themselves in a tender and flattered smile.

He blows lightly as he reaches the taller's trapezes and he whispers a simple thank you, letting himself be carried away by his now lighter thoughts.

Just The Two Of Us | ʰʸᵘⁿʰᵒ [ENG VER.]Where stories live. Discover now