↳ Millie-Marie Winchester

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† - Indicates deceased

M I L L I E - M A R I E

"Winchesters are all fucked up, minus Taryn."

-Said in Game Of Survival to Daryl Dixon in chapter 2

Faceclaim: Brie LarsonUniverse: Supernatural x The Walking DeadUniverse Timeline: Mid Season 6? X Seasons 1-11Book: Game Of Survival & Fire Meets FateBook Status: Boh Active on Both Wattpad and AO3

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Faceclaim: Brie Larson
Universe: Supernatural x The Walking Dead
Universe Timeline: Mid Season 6? X Seasons 1-11
Book: Game Of Survival & Fire Meets Fate
Book Status: Boh Active on Both Wattpad and AO3

"I have lost everything. I won't lose my daughter as well."


MILLIE: The name Millie is a feminine name that means "gentle strength" or "strong in work". It is a diminutive form of the names Mildred and Millicent. In this case, she is named after her Paternal grandmother

MARIE: Origin:French. Meaning:Star of the sea; Wished-for child; Rebellious; Drop of the sea. With this name, baby won't just be the starring role in your home. Marie, a gender-neutral name, means "star of the sea" and is the French version of the Latin name Mary.


WINCHESTER: The name Winchester may be a pun on the rifle of the same name.


Birth Name
Millie-Marie Kennedy Winchester

Married Name

Mkay (Most)
Mills (by Dean and Sam Winchester, Bobby Singer, Ellen and Jo Harvelle)
M (by Daryl Dixon)
Mommy, Mom (by Taryn Winchester)
Lioness, Not Moose or Squirrel (by Crowley)
Girl (by John Winchester)

Selina Todd, Cassandra Brown, Barbara Grayson, Kate Thomas, Helena Drake, Stephanie Kane, Clover Thompkins, Julia Fox, Pamela Quinn, Carrie Dent, Dana Crane, Talia Kyle, Quinn Netz, Harper Floyd,

Species: Human/ Hunter

Abilities: Master Hunting Skills - Trained by her father from early childhood, Mkay possesses excellent combat and hunting abilities; she is established throughout the series as an extremely dangerous individual, and she is more than capable of taking a stand against even the most formidable of opponents, such as demons, vampires and leviathans.

Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant - Mkay is exceptionally skilled with martial arts, and knife fighting as well; she has subdued several human assailants with ease in multiple episodes and bested physically more powerful creatures, often unarmed or equipped with only a blade. Mkay is also more skilled than Sam and is on the same level as Dean.

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