𝙎𝙄𝙓𝙏𝙀𝙀𝙉 / 'crash'

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Harley's POV.:

I'm walking to my car from the tattoo shop, when I hear a crash. My head immediately darts up from my phone. Fuck. I put my phone into my pocket, speeding to the two car. A black car, and a white tesla that looks too similar, making my heart squeeze. Oh no. No.

I run to the tesla as the driver already got out from the black one. No no no. It's not Nina, is it? I run to the driver's seat. Fuck. Fuck. No. I grab onto the door, slamming it open, and pulling my best friend out of the damaged car. Other people have come behind us.

"No no no. Nina? Nina?" I try to wake her up but I get no response. "Shit shit. Can you please call an ambulance?" I look next to me and a woman nods dialing the number.

I put her hair behind her ear, caressing her cheeck. I look around her face, hands, arms and legs to see if I find any cut or blood. Nothing. I check her pulse and breathing. It's a little slow but not dangerously low.

I take a deep breath running a hand through my hair. I hear a siren and lift her up from the ground, going to the car, which has stopped. Two doctors get out and run our way, taking her.

"Can I come with?" I watch as they put her on a bed. "Do you know her?" One of them looks up at me. "I'm her best friend. Known her for four years." I say. They nod, and I get in my car, following the ambulance.



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"She'll be all right. Right?" I hear a quiet voice. My ears are ringing, and a horrible headache takes over my body. Every part of me is aching and I feel sick.

"Yes. She just has a mild concussion. No mature activities until Tuesday yeah?" Another person says. God. What the fuck happened? Where am I, and why am I here?

I groan, immediately regretting that I moved even a little. I slowly open my eyes, but close them again. Why the fuck are these lamps so freaking bright.

I rub my eyes, opening them again, this time succeeding."Oh thank god you're awake." Harley says? "Harley? What the fuck is going on?" My husky voice speaks, which is quiet to others, but for me it's as loud as if someone is screaming into my ear.

"You were in an accident." He sits down next to me. "Oh for fucks sake. I never get a break, do I now?" I groan laying my head back down, shaking it slowly.

"What happened Nina? What's going on? You never make mistakes in driving. You, Will and Matteo are the best drivers I've ever known." He looks into my eyes worried. "Nothing." I shake my head.

"Oh fuck off Nina. You don't make mistakes in driving. Something must've went really wrong." He shakes his head sounding serious. "I already told you Harley. I'm fine." I say, getting angry.

I roll my eyes, sitting up. I stand up, ignoring the headache that is getting worse and worse by the second, and the fact that the world is spinning with me, and I feel sick.

"Woah woah. Not so fast. You have a concussion." I turn around, glaring at him. "Nina don't be fucking stubborn." He says.

"Fine I met my mother again. She was waiting for me in front of the café. We argued I felt sick and lightheaded but when I realized I should pull over, it was too late. My dad's here too. If I get lucky enough, the next few days I'll probably have a visit from my loving father." I snap, and he walks over to me, wrapping his arms around me.

"Oh shit." He says.

"Oh shit indeed." I sigh.

"Nina I'm your best friend and I want you to talk to me." He looks deeply into my eyes. "I know. Thank you Harley." I smile slightly, hugging him again.

"Now turn away, I'm changing back to my normal clothes." I pull away with a grin on my face. He nods, turning around and closing his eyes.

"Well, we'll make sure nothing happens. You know you can call us Nina. Right?" He says.

"Yes. I know. And I'll call you as soon as something like that happens." I say.

"Why are they here anyways?" He asks.

"I have no clue. But my mom did piss me off, so I told her to get the fuck out of this continent before I do something stupid that would get me in jail." I say, putting on my last piece of cloth.

"Badass." He says. "You can turn around now." He nods and opens his eyes, turning around. "So? Will you take me home?" I ask. "We should talk to the doctors first." He says.

I snort. "Fuck off." I scoff, grabbing my phone. "Let's go." I say. "So fucking stubborn." He sighs and stands up. "I'm driving." I say while we're walking down the hall.

"Are you crazy?" He asks. "Just kidding." I grin and he snorts, shaking his head. "Oh and Harley. If you tell this to anybody, I'll break your neck, and snap your body in half." I say.

"Yes ma'am." He gulps.

<Only mine>

A little rushed sorry. I wanted to put something into it, to have something happen.

Love yourself
Don't forget to drink, eat
You're beautiful and you're enough

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