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" aaargh," I screamed as he hit me once more,

"I told you not to make friends didn't I, you disobedient bitch" he yelled in my face, towering above me with his large frame, then he hit me again,

"I didn't disobey you, I swear, they aren't my friends, they were asking for directions, I don't have any friends" I begged in tears,

I thought that I'll be used to him abusing me, but that's nearly impossible...

I wish I could go back to when life wasn't shitty, I wish I could go back to when everything made sense, but sadly I can't. I'm currently being punished by my stepdad for talking to people, I fucking hate this man, I miss my real father, but at least I get to stay with him during holidays.

My parents are divorced and it's all my incubator's fault, she was unfaithful and unfortunately for her my dad found out and he was completely heartbroken, so they got divorced. And I and my big brother were separated to live with either of our parents and visit the other during holidays.

Now back to the issue at hand, my incubator's new husband is a complete jerk, he abuses me and my disgusting excuse of an incubator doesn't try to help me, rather she watches and laughs.

" since when did you start talking back at me" the crazy man yelled and I shut my eyes tightly while he continued wasting his breath,

he isn't beating me anymore now which means he's tired... I forgot to mention he's waaaaay older than my mum, like I said she's disgusting.

I wish I could get to live with dad, my only actual parent




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