CH-3 Settling in

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I just realized something


I look up to see the reverend sister staring at me

"is something wrong ma'am"

But I didn't reply instantly, I was wondering how I'll make it work


"oh sorry, I just realized that the car I brought with me is only a two seater"

"oh, that shouldn't be an issue, the two girls can share"

I simply nod my head at her as a reply

I really want to leave, it's getting late and I hate driving at night

"Is there anything left for me to do"

"no ma'am, the girls are packing, they would soon be done, afterall they don't really have much to pack"

She started laughing at her poor excuse for a joke, and I just stared at her weirdly

'she has to be crazy'


She noticed that I didn't find her joke amusing in any way and stopped laughing

'Thank goodness'

Her voice itched my ears and not in a good way

After a while the reverend sister cleared her throat to get my attention and when she saw that I was looking at her she 'tries' to make a discussion, key word TRIES

"so, ma'am, do you have a spouse and if you do, why isn't he here, also I never introduced myself, my name is Gabriela"

I simply stared at her and I didn't reply,

She was about to say something else but then I noticed Arabella and Aurora coming

'Thank God'

with that I stood up and picked my keys and bag,

The little cuties walked up to where I and dear sister Gabby stood,

"Sorry" they both said at the exact same time, I find it creepy and fascinating at the same time

"it's alright, you don't need to apologize, you were only telling your friends goodbye right"

I had to ask, and they nod their heads in response

We need to leave now, it's getting really late

"are you both ready to leave" I ask and they nod their heads in response

With that I took the few luggage they have and we then walked out of the orphanage home

Upon getting to my car I drop their luggage in the car boot and open the door for them

"thank you" they both said and I nod in response

We're finally at my house

It still feels unreal that I would finally be living with people

I and the twins walk into my house, I could see the visible amazement on their faces

"your home is beautiful" Aurora said with her tiny voice

"it's our home" I replied with a smile

"for real?" Arabella asked


"awesome" they both said

"Is sister Gabriela going to live here too?" Aurora asks

"no dear" I replied, and they seemed relieved and happy to know that Sister Gabs isn't going to be here

"now come let me show you both to your room" they became even more happy at that,

they held my hands and we walked up the stairs to their room

I opened the door and they quickly walked in and started looking everywhere

"woah, it's so big, and the bed is huge and comfy, and this mirror is so big I can see my full body" Arabella left comments on everything while Aurora just smiled and stared at everything with astonishment

"okay, you both should take your bath and then come downstairs for dinner", I told them, then I left their room and closed the door after I heard them say okay

I don't eat or make breakfast and lunch at my house but I always make sure that I cook and eat dinner

I felt like making something that wouldn't take long to prepare so I decided to I make  stewed rice and bacon-wrapped chicken

A few minutes before I finished setting the table for dinner I saw Arabella and Aurora come down the stairs all smiles, their hair's still slightly wet meaning that it hasn't been too long that they took their bath

They were wearing worn out clothes and I made a mental note to take a day off tomorrow so that we can have an outing day

"it smells amazingggg" Aurora said while walking to the kitchen island where I had placed their dinner along with mine

"wow it tastes even better" said Arabella while eating

Although I'm glad that they are enjoying the food I can't risk them choking on their food

"don't talk while eating, okay?"

"okay" they both replied and then put there full attention on their food

When they finished eating they helped me carry the dishes to the dishwasher and then they did something unexpected, they hugged me

"thank you so much, for the food and for adopting us" Arabella said and Aurora just nodded

"your welcome" I replied with a smile while hugging them back

"okay time to go to bed" I said, breaking the hug and we all went into their room, but I showed them my room just in case they need something

They got comfortable under the cover of their bed and wished me goodnight and I wished them back then turned the lights off and went to my room to get ready for bed

I called my assistant to let her know that I wouldn't come to the company tomorrow, she sounded shocked at first but covered it up quickly

After that , I made a call to book an appointment for three at a spa

I want them to feel like the princesses they are

With that, I took a shower and changed into my silk pjs and laid down on my bed

But before I could go to sleep I heard a knock on my room door and when I opened it I saw the twins standing there

"what's wrong?" I asked worriedly

"please can we sleep with you, we are not used to sleeping with ourselves alone" Aurora said

"okay, come on in and get comfortable on the bed" I replied softly

"thanks" Arabella says

"no problem"

With that we all settled in my bed and went to sleep.


Hi everyone,

I'll do my best to update as frequently as possible,

I'd like to state early that I might or might not add smut to this book so please cope with me


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