CH-1 A peek of my routine

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  /it's my eighteenth birthday and the joy I'm feeling can't be put into words.

I'm this happy because i can finally leave my step dad and incubators' house, I can go leave with my real dad now.

I'll celebrate by packing my things and leaving as soon as possible./


             I'd been carrying braids continuously for months now and I'm sick of it, so now that I've gotten rid of my old braids I'll be with my natural afro.

        I don't take off days from my company although I'm the boss, today's Friday but it doesn't feel like anything special to me, don't get me wrong, I know how to get lit but that's rare, I rarely go for parties, but when I do, it's always fire.

Work is my own weird way of getting my mind off things, I love what I do, it's been my passion since I was little and i'm extremely proud of where I am right now, being the owner of the 2nd best Design company in the whole of UK is something that gives me a lot of pride but not in a bad way.

Enough about that, I need to get ready quickly and get to my office, PS my company's name is Clare's designs.

Going into my closet I pick a pair of baggy corporate pants, a crème colored vest, a black turtleneck shirt, a pair of black stilettos and a black office tote, I got my nails done yesterday and i'm loving it.

I've completely worn my fit and I love it, I've never really liked heavy makeup or makeup at all because i feel it doesn't suit me so I simply do a beautiful lip combo, apply eyeliner and groom my brows, today's not an exception to that.

Taking a final look at myself in the mirror, i smile, satisfied with my appearance.

-her outfit

-her office tote

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-her office tote

-her office tote

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-her nails

Stepping out of my house, I get to my garage,chose my Aston Martin db12 and drove to my company

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Stepping out of my house, I get to my garage,chose my Aston Martin db12 and drove to my company.

-her car

The distance between my company and my house is a little bit far but doesn't take long to get to

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The distance between my company and my house is a little bit far but doesn't take long to get to.

Arriving at my company I park my car at my reserved spot and walk into the building.

When I stepped into the building and began my journey to my office my employees greeted me and complemented my hair and I responded and smiled at them, then I stepped into the elevator.

I'm not the usual mean boss, I'm nice to my employees and playful too, but I can also be strict when i want to.

Getting out of the elevator I took a brief walk to my assistants' office to see if she's here yet.

I got to her office door and knocked on the door, opened it and put half of my head through to check and she's here, we exchange greetings and I go to my office.

Stepping into my office I spot my usual breakfast on my table and I smile already imagining the sweetness in my mouth.

My breakfast is usually cappuccino or latte and a warm batch of cookies or buns or doughnuts, My assistant selects which one i take each day and I like it because that way I won't know what to expect.

I sit on my office chair behind my desk and start working.



"I'm exhausted"

I get up from my chair and take my purse and car keys and leave my office and the building.

The time isn't really late it's just 4:45pm but I was bored and I want to go to my house.

Getting to my house I park my car and step out of if and walk to my house.

"I'm home, oh, right, I live alone"

'you wouldn't be lonely if you went for one of the dates Addy set for you thousands of times'

"Men aren't trustworthy, we both know that"

'fine, but atleast adopt kids instead'

"we've been over this many times, I'll adopt when I'm ready"

'and when would that be, when cows speak English right, we both know that you'll keep saying that'

"Fine, I'll adopt"

with that little banter i had with consy I stood up and picked up my keys and purse again and leave my house, I didn't even get to change.


Hey everyone, sorry for the long wait, I'm currently very busy with school work so I'll do my best to update as much as I can.


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