CH-2 Le sue figlie

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@confi1419  thank you for being a lovely and dedicated reader, your constant attention is what gave me the courage to write this chapter.

When you see thing written in italics it's either a conversation she's having with her conscience or it's to show something from her past.



I arrived at the 4th orphanage with hopes that they allow adoption, the last three orphanages said they don't allow adoption because they don't trust some people and I understand why.

stepping out of my car I walk into the orphanage's compound and couldn't help the immediate smile that came to my face when I saw the children playing with each other.

When all the kids noticed me they all ran up to me and said "welcome aunty"at the same time,


Oh hush


"Hi, hello, hey, how are you and welcome to St. Rita's orphanage" I heard a voice say and i turn around to see a reverend sister walking towards me with a smile on her face.

"oh, Hi, I'm doing great thank you, what about you" I replied her

"I'm doing good" she replied and I then chose to ask her about adoption

"I want to know if you allow adoption" and when I asked her she seemed 'happy?'

"Yes, yes, of course we do" her reply made me feel suspicious of her

*CLAP* *CLAP* *CLAP*, the sound startled me, then she started shouting for the kids to come


'no need to be loud geez'

I know right

and then the kids ran and formed a straight horizontal line from one end of the compound to another

I was looking at all the kid when i eyes fell on two beauties, they're obvious identical twins, they had gorgeous skin and they look so quiet

'they're the ones'

Wait, no one said anything about two kids

'exactly no one did' 



"Ma'am are you listening"

"huh, oh sorry, i zoned out, carry on"

she was showing me all the kids but i wasn't even listening because i'd already decided on the kids i want to adopt

when she was finally done talking she asked if I've decided

"so, have you chosen which child or children you plan on adopting"

and i nodded my head, "yes"

"great great, which of them have you chosen"

i then pointed the twins "them"


that's all i heard

'what's their deal'

No idea

"what's wrong, is there a problem"

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