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Harold/birdy here, I just wanted to mention there will be NO SMUT in this story. Only fluff, angst, etc.  If you are looking for smut, look somewhere else! 


Lukas stumbled into the shop, covered in water as he groaned softly. He stood up and cracked his back, looking at the trail of water he had left behind by entering. "Oh, come on, really?" He muttered, weary as he went into the back of the cat cafe and grabbed a mop. The sky outside was still dark, as it was very early in the morning; around 4:36 am or so. 

Although the cafe was not set to open for a long while, he had decided it would probably be best to clean up a few hours prior. All the cats we're all still asleep, and only soft purrs and snores could be heard from the cat tree's that housed the cats. Lukas boredly mopped up the wet trail he had left and came around back to deposit the mop back where it belonged. 

He stood quietly in the same spot for a moment. He was thinking about stupid things, not very important. After a little while he had discovered he had been doing all this in complete darkness, chuckling to himself a bit as he walked over to the light switch behind the register and flipped it on. "There we go." He said nonchalantly. Now all he had to was wait for opening time.

It was now 12:34 in the morning. The cafe was half filled with patrons, mostly on their phones or computers with a coffee in hand. It was rare for a group to come in and bring some noise to the place. The cats frolicked about, and despite people usually saying they come for the cats, they all do the same thing. They ignore them. Lukas sighed, leaning against the counter as he waited for new customers to arrive. And so, they did. 

A group of four, one of them he recognized right away. 

"Hey Petra." He grinned, waving slightly at the red-haired woman. Petra gave Lukas a sly smirk in return, speeding up a bit as she greeted him. "Hey, Lukas." She'd return, giving him a hug from over the counter. "Petra- Nice to see you and all- but do you think maybe I could breathe? -"  

"Oh yeah, My bad." She chuckled lightly, letting go and turning to the confused folks right behind her. They had all been standing awkwardly behind her, staring at Lukas with a half-sided glare. "Guys, this is my pal Lukas." Petra introduced to them, and Lukas couldn't help but scratch the back of his neck awkwardly as he held out a hand for them to shake. "Hey, it's nice to meet you." He smiled, doing his best to maintain eye contact with them. 

"Petra, your friends with this guy?" One of them said quizzically, crossing his arms. 

"Of course. If your cool, I'll hang with you." Petra replied with a monotone tone, giving them a slight shrug.  Lukas fiddled with his hands awkwardly under the counter, casting a glance off to the side. "Is this about the stuff with the ocelots from like, what, high school?" She spoke, eyeing the guy. "Jesse, I thought you got over that." 

Lukas couldn't deny, he was quite attractive. But he hated that the guy had put him on the spot and semi-embarrassed him. "Petra, they were assholes. Everybody knows that." Jesse retorted, crossing his arms as he stared deeply into Lukas' eyes. "I can assure you, I'm nothing like them." Lukas responded, looking at him in return. His gaze hardened at Jesse; eyes slightly narrowed. He didn't appreciate the way he was immediately being judged just because of who he hung out with in HIGH SCHOOL. He rarely ever talked to them anymore!

After a few moments of awkward silence, the other girl from the group spoke up. "So, we'd like to order." She said, casting her gaze off to the side. "Oh- Yeah, of course. What would you guys like?" Lukas said, brightening up slightly as the topic of him and the ocelots started to move on.

"Jesse want's a frappe." Olivia stated, muttering under her breath. "What a twink drink."  Lukas fought back a slight giggle as Jesse perked up. "Hey....Frappe's are just super good." He said in his defense, but everyone besides Jesse and Lukas shared a laugh. Olivia continued on with the order, and Lukas continued making the drinks as she said them. 

As everyone grabbed their drinks, they all muttered thanks. Everyone besides Jesse. Lukas handed the drink out from him, and Jesse grabbed it. But he didn't pull the drink away from Lukas' hand. Instead, his hand was barley grazing Lukas' and he was staring off to the side in slight embarrassment.  He almost looked like he wanted to say something to him. Lukas looked at him expectantly for a moment, before letting out a small sigh. "Have a nice day, Jesse." He said gently, and with that, Jesse retracted his hand and awkwardly shuffled away.

Lukas dealt with a couple other patrons as the group he was just talking to ate, and he watched as they left solemnly. He couldn't help but keep staring at Jesse as he walked out of the shop with his friends. He didn't know how to feel about him. He couldn't say he blamed him for acting the way he did, but it was still kind of rude. Lukas still thought he was a decent guy, however.

At the end of the day, around 4 pm, he had fed the cats, cleaned, and turned off the lights. The time was now 5 pm, and he was just beginning to lock up the shop. He grabbed his signature coat, the one that had the feline logo imprinted on it, and headed out of the shop and locked it. 

The time was now 5:56 pm. He had only just gotten home. He traveled up the stairs in his apartment complex, and practically fell into his home as he unlocked the door. He was exhausted. He locked the door behind him and his cat, Dewey, ran up to him. "Hello Dewey. How are you?" He grinned, petting the cat behind the ear before the cat raced off once more. 

Lukas took his shoes and jacket off, immediately heading off into his room to go lay down on his bed. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, looking at the time before the loudest notification sound ever blared through his phone. He grimaced for a moment, before noticing the notification had been Petra. 




He opened it.


Petra: Having a sleepover tmrw want 2 come?

Lukas: Oh cool, who's coming?

Petra: Jesse, olive, and axel. 

Lukas: Olive lol.

Lukas: I guess I'll come.

Lukas: You think they won't mind me being there? They didn't seem to care for me much, especially axel and Jesse.

Petra: they will come around and axel just has resting bitch face (but he prob doesnt like u)

Petra: Olivia doesn't mind you and jesse is alrr with u i think you got this tho :muscle_emoji:

Lukas: why the hell did you type out muscle emoji?

Lukas: Never mind. I'll come.

Petra: cool, it's tomorrow at my house lmaoo

Lukas: What. omg petra


Lukas groaned, dropping his phone as he rolled onto his back and placed his hands over his eyes.

"Well, hopefully they won't despise me when I go." He muttered to himself haphazardly. "And thank heavens I don't have work tomorrow. Speaking of, did Petra know I was free? -"


"Never mind." He said, getting up and dressed into some clothes suitable for sleep and laid back down. Tomorrow was going to be a big day. 

JessKas // Cat got your tongue?Where stories live. Discover now