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A man with squared shoulder, tan skin , long arms and legs, muscular body was sitting on a chair wearing a black suit with black mask and watch on his rand hand looking extremely hot and scary. He was looking at a man who was Infront of him tied on a chair. The man has bruised all over his face the blood was dripping from his mouth. Then another man took a knife and cut his neck a little making the tied man scream in pain the blood starting coming from his neck. Then another guard came and kicked him in stomach and punched his face. Ahhhhh it hurts Pl..please le....leave me. The tied man said while stuttering. Why would I caught you? if I had to leave you. The man on sitting chair said while folding his arms around his chest and rasing his eyebrow. Please leave me I didn't to anything to you mafia king. The tied man said. Aghgh he is so annoying you!! peice of shit you are annoying me too much you know what I do when someone annoy me. The man who was sitting on a chair stand up and goes toward the tied man and stood Infront him while smirking. He whispered in tied man ear. I kill them. The man said to the tied man while smirking.  He back off. The tied man start shivering in fear. Ofcourse who wouldn't when you death is right Infront you. He started wiggling in his chair.  Oh you wanna leave from here. The standing man said. Boss should we take care of it. A man said while looking down.  "NO" their boss said who was standing Infront of the tied man. The guard man back off and goes to where he was standing. So you wanna leave right? The boss asked. The tied man nodded. Ok untie him. The boss said. But boss, the another man was going to refuse but was cutted off by his boss. DID I ASKED YOU ? the boss asked darky while glaring at the person. s.ssorry Boss. The guard said while shivering. Go away, the boss said. And untie him. One of the guard came and untied the tied man. So Yong sun you wanna go? You want me to leave you right ? The boss asked while smirking. The guy name Yong sun nodded. Ok then I will let you go you have five 5 minutes to go outside if you step out of this room in 5 minutes I won't kill you. But if you won't be able to thennn. The boss stopped in his mid sentence. Everyone was scared even though they see this every day but still whenever their "boss" do something they can't help but to get scared. He really has a dark aura. Young sun started running towards the door. "FIVE" The boss said. Young sun was running as fast as he can. He just want to get out of this place. but then he hear the boss counting. "FOUR" "THREE" "TWO" Yong sun heart was beating do fast like it would explode any time soon. "ONE" and stop there. The boss said he was laughing like maniac now. Young sun froze on his spot his breathe hitched he knows what's going to happen. See I told you to go but you couldn't so don't blame me ok have fun in hell. He says while smirking. The boss pulled out his gun and point towards Yong sun. Young sun see that he is just a step he tried to pull the knob of the door but then everyone heard a gun shot. Yes Young sun got shot. He fall on the floor blood coming from his back. The boss came near the lifeless body. I don't like when people play smart. Have fun in hell. The boss said and get up. Clean this mess fast I don't want to see him here. The boss said. he said and left from there. Everyone felt relief once there boss left the room.     There was a boy in the corner he goes to another man.  And stand beside him. That was scary. The guy said. The other guy look at him. Oh hi I am Min Jun. One of the new men. The guy said. Hi I am Kang Dae. The leader of these all the men. The other guy said. And it surely was scary. Kang Dae said remember the moment just happened. Was that person our boss? Min Jun asked. Don't you know? Kang Dae asked back. I don't know I never met him because I was always with mr. JK sir. but he does look like boss. Min Jun said. Because he is our boss. "Boss K ". Kang Dae said. But why does he wear mask ? Min Jun asked. I don't know maybe for some reason. Kang dae said. Oh ok. Well I think we should clean this mess before boss come back and kill us. Min Jun said. Oh yes let's do it. Everyone clean this mess. It has to be totally clean not even a drop of blood should be there. Am I clear?  Kang dae shouted. Yes sir. Everyone said in unison. Their boss(k) went to his cabin and saw his friends. Hell boss. One of the boy who looked like a bunny said. Good evening boss, two boy said with one dimple boy and another one who has a cat face. Yaah RM and suga hyung this bunny JK is idiot I always tell him not to call me boss but he don't listen to me and now you two also start with this boss thing. K said . So what isn't it the truth. Suga said while sipping his coffee. Tey all have their mask on . Yeah yeah whatever.  K said while taking a seat Infront of suga.  Ok we won't say you boss K hyung. JK Said while showing his bunny smile. K smile. Looking at them. They are his family these three and his parents " he can do anything to protect his family". So how is everything going? RM asked. Well everything is still same we haven't got anything yet but everyone is trying their best. K said. Don't worry we will find about it. suga said. K Nodded. How about you guys how is Jimin, Tae, Jin hyung doing?  K said. As always happy and safe . RM says. You didn't introduce me to them yet I should be angry on you three. K said with fake angry expression.  Woah woah bro we are sorry it just that we didn't got time to that you know they are busy in college and we are busy with our work. Jk Said. Yeah yeah , k said while rolling his eyes. Well K hyung don't you want to be in a relationship like don't you want someone to love  you , care for, wait for you when you come home from work? RM asked. NO, you know hyung I don't believe in this "love" thing. I don't need anyone in my life I have my family you all are here for me that's enough for me. K said. We are there for you K we will be here for you but.. suga was saying but cutted of my k. There is no but. Leave this topic hyung this is ain't going anywhere. Suddenly JK phone started ringing. he picked it up saw it was his boyfriend. Hey Tae bear what happen? Jk said on his phone to his boyfriend. Kookie when are you coming back I am missing you. Taehyung said. I am coming in few minutes love.  Ok yeah bye. Jk said and fitted the call. Looked at his friends. Hyung I think I should leave coz my baby is missing me . Jk said. You are too whipped for you boyfriend isn't it kook. K said. I am not gonna deny that. Jk said laughing. They all started chuckling at the younger boy. Well guys I think we should go too. It's getting late too. RM  said. Yes let's go before our boyfriends start to think to kill us. Suga said.  They all started laughing. Alright alright, let's go now. Meet you soon bro. RM said. See you soon K. Suga said. See you all . He said waving them. Everyone left the room it was only k now. Let's go home now eomma Appa must be waiting for me. He said and wear his mask and start going towards his car which is already ready for him to go home with the driver on the driver seat.  He sat on the back seat with his cold expression. Eyes closed. The driver start driving there was pin drop silence in the car no music no talking nothing but silence. As the driver was driving. suddenly someone came Infront of their car. The driver pulled the brake fastly.
S.s.sorry sir b..but came Infront of car


Hello my little mochies I know it's been a while I had update the chapter sorry for that it was just some personal problem but I promise I'll update next part maybe next week just wait a little bit I hope you understand I love you all I am very thank to them who read my books. Till then take care eat well and sleep well ❤️

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