chapter 4

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Next morning Hobi woke up early as he have to go university today.  He get up rubbing his eyes slowly going to wardrobe for searching his clothes. He took one black t- shirt and black ripped jeans and goes to bathroom to do  his morning routine after doing it he came out of the bathroom and goes to his dressing table Comb his hair and sparying his favourite perfume around his body and taking his phone from which was charging. He goes downstairs and immediately was hitted by aroma of delicious food. And he knew where it was coming from. He goes to kitchen and back hugged his maa. "Good morning maa" He said while back away from from she turned around. "Good morning baby" Maa said ruffling his hair. "Maa I am not a baby Now". He whined. "Aigoooo really then who is the one whinning Infront of me huh" Maa said laughing a little. "You are always a baby for me" She said turning again to resume making breakfast. Hobi pouted. Then he feels something tickling on his feet looking down he saw Mia purring over his feets. He smiled at her. "Good morning to you too Mia" He pick her giggling and start tickling her . They start playing and running. "Aish two these two" Mas said while shaking her head smiling. After sometime breakfast was ready she set it on the dinning table. "Hobi said come here eat your breakfast baby it's almost your university time you will get late " Maa said while shouting a little. "Coming Maa " Hobi said while coming towards dinning table running followed by a huffing mia. He laughed at her while showing his tongue. She stormed her foot and left to living room. " She is so cute when she is angry " Hobi said giggling. "Aish you I am done with my poor Mia , now eat your breakfast here " she said serving him his breakfast hobi start eating his breakfast. After sometime they both were with their breakfast. " Ok Maa I am done I'll go now or I'll be late " Hobi said after washing his hands and drying then. "Ok baby go safely ok " maa said. He nodded his head and took his bag from the couch in living room. He kissed Maa cheek and hugged her. " Bye Maa take care ok " Hobi said Maa nodded at him smiling. Then he look at Mia who was playing with one of his toy. He goes towards her and picked her up. " Bye bye mia" he spin her and give a kiss to her forehead though Mia like this but she pretend to not this made Hobi more giggle. Mia start making noise to let her go. "Yeah yeah I am putting you down you little grumpy cat" Hobi said while putting her down. Then he goes to door and waved at his one last time. He start walking towards his university. While plugging earphones in his ear humming a little to the songs he was listening. The morning the cold breeze blowing slowly slowly the weather was so beautiful birding chirping, leaves falling from trees because of flow of the wind, kids playing in the parks, dancing and running. He smiles at them it makes him to see people around him happy. Reaching near his university. He stood at the gate looking at 6 friend of his. shaking his  head at his idiot  bestfriends.

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