chapter 3

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As the car was going to hit Hobi the driver pulled the brake on time and the car stop. When Hobi didn't feel anything he look up and saw the car almost was going to him but stopped at right moment. He get up from the road with Mia in his arms. Then the driver came out of the car. He was looking like he is in his mid twenties
Hey you!!! are you fucking idiot or what huh? Did you saw only my car to suicide huh?. I know people like you!!! The driver said shouting.  Hoseok was angry really how can just someone judge anybody on a accident that too when the one who is shouting is at fault. Hey you idiot why the hell are you shouting at me huh when you are at the fault. Can't you fucking see a cat on the road instead of stopping the car you were going to kill her I can call police now for what you did killing a dog/cat. Hoseok shouted back. Then why the hell you let you cat be free and let her roam around like she fucking own this road ? The driver said. First of all you Mr. I am not like who will cage their pets second you should know this road is mostly occupied by people. The people roam around here you should slow your speed of car but no you was driving as If you want to win a race or something. Hoseok said in a little high.  They both were fighting.


I was sitting in my car but suddenly Something or someone came Infront of our car. He said that we had accident I shouted at him. Then immediately said sorry and goes out check. It becomes a while but he didn't came now it was frustrating I really just wanted to go home. I came out from the car. And saw my driver and the other person were I couldn't see his face because my driver was almost covering him. I go toward them. I put my hand on my driver shoulder he turn around. He wides his eyes. S..sir.. , he said stuttering. What the hell are you doing? Can't you just finish this shit fast? I asked him darkly. He said sorry again while stuttering. But the other person who my driver was fight with suddenly. Hey you idiot now what happens huh cat got your tongue huh? Hoseok said I turn towards to this person that who the hell is this guy as I turned to look at him. I feel like everything stopped the person Infront of me no no not the person he is angel he is so beautiful I have seen a lot of beautiful girls. But I have never seen such a beautiful boy ever. His brown eyes looking so beautiful that he just want to drown himself in them. his those read lips that are so tempting to him. Those read lips that hoseok Is licking every now and then not to make them dry as he is speaking. His hands that are moving slowly as he is speaking. His face that is glowing more as moons shine is falling on him. K don't know what is happening to him. His heart start beating faster looking at the person Infront who is doing nothing but talking or more like shouting at someone. He don't know what he is feeling what is happening around him all he knows is he want to look at his angel. But he was brought out of his angels Dreamland by a shout. Yaah you fucking peice of shit can't you stop shouting. The driver shouted. But as those words slipped from his mouth K's eyes darken he turn to look at driver who gulp looking at his boss. He lowered his head. K goes close to him. K asked darkly. S.sir I didn't said I said it to him. The driver said pointing at Hobi. It angered K more he would have rip this man's throat right here but he won't not Infront of his angel he glance at Hobi to cool down a little. Say sorry to him and go in the car right now. K said dangerously to driver . Who immediately turned to Hobi. Not want to anger his boss more. Sorry sir it was my fault. Please forgive. The driver said. Hobi was confused that what happens to driver suddenly like the hell this man was fighting with him from 10-15 minutes now suddenly he is saying sorry but decided to let go. All that matter to him is the driver should know his mistake. It okay but from next please always drive the car slowly. He said softly and smile. Well K just Lost it he couldn't help but smile too under the mask looking at his angel. The driver immediately nodded and went in the car. Hoseok turned to K who was just looking at him without blinking. And you, I guess you are boss or something so you should say something to him to slow down the car. Hobi said to K but was k listening to him? No baby he wasn't he knows his angels is saying something but what he doesn't know he is just hearing his angels voice. Hobi was just talking but when he didn't get any response he look at K more like glaring at K. He shake his hand Infront of K's face but K still didn't answer him. Hey you mister came to earth. Hobi said to K while clapping his hands finally came back on earth once again.... Oh god why do I have to meet all the idiots today. Hobi said shaking his head. But he was still looking so cute to K. Then hobi's phone rang it was Maa. She was calling him. He answer the call.. hello maa. He said softly. Hobi where are you baby why haven't you come home yet ? Maa said worriedly. Um Maa I was... He stopped mid sentence to look at K who was already looking at him he sigh. I am sorry maa actually I wanted to have ice cream. He said. You brat I told you not to eat ice cream at night.. she said scolding him. Sorry Maa just this once. He said pleading to her.. ok I am forgiving you only this once. She warned him. Ok ok sweetie. Hobi said lovingly. This boy. Maa just shake her head. Come back fast and straight go to sleep tomorrow you have college. Ok ok my queen I am coming you sleep I have keys I'll come by myself. Hobi said she hummed and cut the call. Hey Mr see I don't have time to argue with you. So just bye. He said and ran from there. K just look at hobi's disappearing figure.  He turn and go to his and sit on his previous seat. Let's go and drive slowly if you again anything like this happens you won't see next morning sun. He said to driver in his deep voice. The driver nodded and start the car. Hope to see you soon angel. K said while looking at the road from where Hobi went. They reach K house he came out from the car and the driver left from there. K goes in the house it was dark he thought. Maybe mom and dad slept. He said to himself. Then he goes straight towards his bedroom. He changed his clothes and layed on his bed. And then went to his angel's Dreamland.


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HEY MY LITTLE MOCHIES GUESS WHAT IS TODAY????? ITS MY BIRTHDAYYYYYYYYYYYYY EVERYONE I am turning 19 wohoooooo I am so happy today and thank you for your support, thank you for reading my books my this book already crossed 100+ reads that's so much for me 😭 keep supporting me like you always do thank you for everything let's enjoy all together. BORAHAE 💜 horanghae 🐯

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