chapter 5

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"Hello everyone, I am Kim Jong-in but mostly people call me Kai

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"Hello everyone, I am Kim Jong-in but mostly people call me Kai. I am from LA." Kai said and bowed and then again stand beside their teacher. The teache smiled at him.

" I hope you'll take care of him well and get along." She said to the whole class facing them. They all nodded " And Kai you can sit beside Hoseok" she said to Kai. "JUNG hoseok please raie your hand" she said to hobi.

I was sitting on my seat as usual the professor came and greeted us

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I was sitting on my seat as usual the professor came and greeted us. Then she said we are having a new student in our class. As she said that one boy came in. He was wearing black t-shirt with black jeans and browny jacket. White shoes. His headphones slipping down from his shoulder. He quickly put them in his pocket.

He introduced himself. His name is kai. His height looks almost same as me but little taller. Everyone was looking at him. They all were whispering things like "omg he is so handsome ", "he is so hot" , "can't he become my boyfrend " , "should i ask him out" all the girls were swooning over him.

He sure is handsome but what caught my eyes were "HIS EYES". He looked at me. We made the eye contact, I felt like the time stopped there. those dark back orbs looking like a deep ocean that were calling me. I also don't know why but something tugged at my heart looking at those eyes. I feel like I have known him. I was just lost in them in those eyes.

I couldn't bring myself to look away from him. "Whats happening hobi? What's wrong with you ? " I sked myself trying to come out of his daze but I couldn't until I heard someone shouting my name loudly. I finally came out. I look towards the voice who shout only to find out it's our teacher.

" Mr. Jung, is everything alright? " she asked me looking at me worriedly. "Uhh-hh ye-ah Miss choi" I stuttered. "Fuck!!! what's wrong with me? why the hell am I stuttering? " I thought to myself. I looked around, they all were looking at me. "OH god why do I have to embarrassed myself.

I quickly looked away. "Hyung are you alright? " Tae whispered to me slowly. "I nodded to him little. Then again looked at miss choi. "Okay if you say so, so I was saying that Kai is going to be your desk mate. So please help him out f he needs anything " she said sweetly to me. I smiled and nodded to her.

" sure miss choi" I said her back. She motioned to Kai with hands to come over to the seat next to me. He nodded to her and came over to the seat next to mine. He put his bag on the table and flopped down to the seat. "Hi " He said to me. I greeted him back with a smile.
"I am jung hoseok mostly goes by Jhope or Hobi. " I said to him. He smiled at me.

Today is my first day of my second year at the XXX university

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Today is my first day of my second year at the XXX university. It is all new to me, thank to heaven more like my parents because if not for them literally forcing me to learn korean this would have been probably the worst idea. So yeah I am Kim Jong In aka Kai. I am from LA. I have lived there all my life though I did visited alot of other countries but Korea? No never.

I Don't know why but it actually never occurred to me if I wanted to go to Korea. My mother is korean while my father is italian. They both love each other. It was a love marriage. Their parents didn't agreed to their marriage so they ran away.  my parents came to America.

They started their business with the money they had. The money they had saved. Since my grandparents didn't approved of their marriage they didn't want to take money from them. So they both worked so hard to open the company which is now "E&A ENTERPRISES" THE company is famous all over in the business world know it.

I am proud of them because they are the best parents. We were happy in America but Dad told that we need to move to Korea for his branch here. So we moved here from USA. So yeah that was my introduction, yeahh it was quite long but who cares. I entered in the class everyone was looking towards me.

I am not nervous because it's just a introduction I have to do. There were whispers coming from almost everyone from the class. Girls were going crazy over me. Its nothing new it was always happen. In my university in USA I was one of those popular boys. So yeah I am used to it. I was never a playboy.

Nor I have ever been in a relationship. I had thought that when the right time comes my right will Find me or I will find them. I introduced myself to the class. Then the professor miss choi told me to go to seat next to some boy name "Jung Hoseok" I look towards the boy. HE was beautiful more beautiful than ever a girl can be.

We made the eye contact. He was just lost in me as I was in his eyes. Those beautiful eyes that were shining. It felt like there is only us in this room. We kept looking at each other until ms. Choi shouted his name loudly. He looked embarrassed "aww so cute" I thought to myself. His cheeks were red.

Then I think one of his friends asked him something he shook his head slightly. I bowed to ms.choi and went to sit on my seat next to him. He looks at me and quickly looked away. He is cute. I greeted him he turns towards me still and greeted me back with a smile. Damn I done for real because he looks even more beautiful with his that sunshine smile.

Could he be by chance an real angel descended from heaven because no way there could be person like him exist. After recovering from my not so having my first crush crisis I smile at him and nodded my head a little. He told me his name. His name is also like him. Pleasing to hear it.

"That's it for today I know I updated after a long time. Its just I've been quite busy with my life. But I read all of your dms and comments I am thankful to each one of you. It makes so happy that you enjoy reading my stories I'll be back in few days with next chapter till then stay tuned be happy and healthy,  borahae💜"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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