{NingRina} - they get jealous when someone confesses to you (requested)

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"I wonder what's taking her so long," Karina spoke to NingNing as she looked at the time on the radio. "She was supposed to be out here by now."

Sitting in the car in the driveway of your new friends' home, they were waiting for you to come out to the car so you can all head home.

Your friends from work were all gathering here tonight for a few hours and you jumped at the opportunity to hang out with them, as well as a couple of new coworkers whom you wanted to help make feel comfortable so they'd feel better at work.

But you were supposed to come out fifteen minutes ago and though they keep their eyes on the door, it doesn't open.

"Should we go in and see what's going on?" NingNing wondered.

And Karina nodded her head in response as she was starting to get a little worried.

"Okay. Let's go." NingNing spoke as she pulled the keys out of the car and took Karina's hand as they made their way to the front door.

Karina used her free hand to gently tap on the door and just a second later, it opened.

"Karina, NingNing, hi!" One of your friends spoke. "It's so nice to see you two!"

"Nice to see you as well." NingNing smiled as she and Karina were let into the house.

"Hey, where's Y/N? She was supposed to come out fifteen minutes ago. We've been waiting for her." Karina said.

"Oh, she's in the kitchen. She said was going to grab another drink and then get ready to go but she hasn't been out here since and that was a few minutes ago."

"Yeah, you know what, Chloe is in there too." One of your other friends said. "She's one of the new people starting rok at our job. Maybe they're just having a nice conversation and she didn't realize the time."

"That's possible," Karina said. "Come on, Ning. Let's go check up on our girl."

NingNing followed behind Karina, still holding her hand tightly with every step taken.

They stepped into the kitchen and froze on their feet when they heard the words being spoken by the other girl in there.

"So, Y/N... are you single by chance? Because I really like you and I would love to get to know you more."

The question took your girlfriends by surprise, but not nearly as much as it did you.

You've just been hanging out with this girl, trying to go out of your way to be kind and make her feel comfortable so she'd feel less shy at work.

You didn't mean to make her fall for you.

"Oh, uh, that's nice but I can't."

"Why not?" The girl asked as she clenched her jaw slightly over your rejection. "Don't you like me too?"

"No." You said. "Not like that."

"Just give me one chance." She pleaded.

"I can't. I told you that already."

She huffed and folded her arms over her chest.


"Because she's taken." Karina interrupted, speaking through clenched teeth.

At the sound of her voice, you turned around and breathed out a sigh of relief upon seeing her and NingNing standing there.

"She is? By who?" The girl asked.

"Us!" NingNing said. "We're her girlfriends."

The girl's eyes went wide as Karina let go of NingNing's hand to open her arms for you, which you happily went into.

"She's already taken, so I suggest you go find someone else," NingNing spoke as she gazed at the girl in anger.

She and Karina held onto you protectively, eyeing the girl with a glare that made her feel a little embarrassed and uncomfortable.

"Our girl," Karina said as she kissed your shoulder blade, all while gazing into the girl's eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know!" She said.

"Well, now you do. So there'll be no flirting and no more asking if she's single because she's not." NingNing said. "Understood?"


"Good." NingNing smiled victoriously.

"Come on, darling. Let's go home. We'll cuddle and make out under the covers." Karina said as she took your hand into hers.

You playfully rolled your eyes over how jealous she and NingNing were before you exited the house, waving goodbye to your friends as you did so.

You got into the car and shook your head with a chuckle as you sat down between them.

"What's so funny, baby?" NingNing wondered as Karina started the car.

"Nothing. But I just find it cute how jealous you two were."

"Hey, we didn't hear much of that conversation. All we heard was her confessing that she likes you and calling you pretty." She defended.

"And we didn't need to hear more than that," Karina said. "She stood no chance with you. You're taken already."

"I know that and so does she, thanks too how jealous you two were." You teased.

"Why don't you overhear someone confessing to us and then tell us how you feel after," NingNing suggested with a little pout on her lips.

"Don't worry, my loves. It was kinda hot." You said and watched them smirk at each other. "But always remember that you've got nothing to worry about. I'm all yours and you're all mine."

"Always." They spoke in unison before Karina began to drive off, both of them ready for a great night ahead with you.

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