{NingSelle} - you get injured playing a sport (requested)

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"You have some pretty loud fans over there." One of your teammates joked as they playfully elbowed your side.

You looked over at the stands to find Giselle and NingNing cheering for you loudly and proudly.

As soon as they saw you looking at them, they grinned from ear to ear and waved at you.

"Hi," You giggled as you waved back to them.

"You're very cute together." Your teammate complimented.

"I know. I'm very lucky." You replied and watched her nod in agreement before you both took your place.

As soon as the whistle was blown and the game began, your competitive side came out and you began to do all you could to win.

You're a professional basketball player and with each game you and your team play, you find yourself enjoying the sport even more than before.

You're so good at it that you've brought your team to victory several times in the past and you're hoping this will be yet another one, especially since your girlfriends are in the crowd for this game.

They've come to as many as they can but sometimes, their schedules leave them so incredibly busy that they can't make it to every game, despite wishing they could.

You want to make them proud and having them here to cheer you on brings you more confidence and motivation.

You could hear them cheering you on from the stands over the pounding of your heart in your ears as you grabbed the ball and tossed it into the net again.

Their proud cheers were louder than all of those who were also here in support of your team and all you could do was look over at them with a big smile and blow them a kiss.

"You can do it, Y/N!" NingNing yelled.

"Come on, baby! You've got this!" Giselle encouraged.

The crowd went crazy as you got ahold of it and as you went to toss it through the hoop, your jump went wrong.

You felt something in your knee tear and you were met with instant agonizing pain.

You dropped the ball onto the court and fell onto the ground in pain.

Having played basketball for a long time, you've suffered more than your fair share of injuries before.

But this was by far the worst.

The pain was so bad it made a scream fall from your lips and your teammates gathered around you very quickly in concern.

Seeing that something was wrong, NingNing and Giselle rushed from the stands and onto the court to be by your side.

"Y/N! What happened?" Giselle asked in a panicked voice.

"I don't know but it hurts a lot." You spoke as you tried to take some deep breaths.

NingNing put her hand on your back as she and Giselle knelt on the floor beside you.

"I think she tore something." One of your teammates panicked.

"I'm fine, I'll be okay." You spoke as sweat rolled down your skin and the intense pain continued to overwhelm you.

Knowing how important the game was, you tried to get back up to continue, but the pain was so bad it had you on the ground again right away.

"She needs to go to the hospital!"

"We'll take her, we'll take her there right now!" NingNing said as she and Giselle helped you up.

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