{WinRina} - you're clingy when you're sick and they find it adorable (requested)

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"Hey, sweet girl." Winter smiled as you opened your tired eyes.

"Hi." You mumbled sleepily.

"How are you feeling?"

"Awful." You spoke as you shifted around in discomfort.

Your body was aching, you felt nauseous, and you had a high fever.

It was getting the best of you as you fought your hardest through the sickness but continued to feel terrible.

"You're burning up." Karina worriedly spoke as she felt your forehead. "I think we should take you to the hospital."

"No." You whined. "Please, no hospital."

"Okay. No hospital... for now." She sighed before Winter began to speak.

"You need anything?"

"Not that I can think of."

"You need to eat something. You haven't had any food since last night. How about some soup? I'll go make it." Winter said.

But you quickly grabbed her hand and stopped her from leaving.

"Don't go. Please."

"Baby, I'll be gone for just a moment. You need some food."

You sighed as she kissed your forehead softly before she left the room.

"You better not leave me too." You told Karina, who chuckled as you threw your arms around her.

"I'm not going anywhere." She promised.

Laying down with you, you clung to her by throwing your arms around her and snuggling up to her.

Karina rubbed your back soothingly as you closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep a little.

You hummed contentedly as her nails scratched across your back gently.

"I hope you feel better soon, sweet girl." She spoke before kissing your forehead lingeringly.

As she pulled back, Winter came back into the room with a bowl of soup in her hands.

You sat back up and as she sat down beside you, you threw your arms around her.

"I missed you."

She looked at Karina with a grin.

"She's a little clingy right now." Karina chuckled.


"Don't be sorry. It's absolutely adorable." Winter smiled.

"You're adorable, baby." Karina smiled as she kissed your cheek softly.

"Here, relax. Eat your soup." Winter said.

She grabbed the spoon and put some soup up to your lips and as she helped you eat, Karina comfortingly rubbed your back.

You ate a decent amount of it before you pushed it away, too full and too nauseous to eat anymore.

"Are you full?" Karina asked.

You nodded slowly before laying back down.

"I'm going to put your bowl in the sink. Be right back." Karina spoke.

"No, don't go." You whined.

"What if I do it?" Winter asked.

"No, please stay with me." You said as you laid your head on her shoulder.

She put her arms around you and Karina did the same a few seconds later, holding you close in their warm and cozy embraces.

"It's okay, sweet girl. We'll stay right here with you." Karina promised as she kissed the crown of your head.

"We're not going anywhere," Winter spoke, kissing your cheek.

You continued to cling to them both as they held onto you.

"We love you so much," Karina said.

"I love you both too." You said.

"And I hate to ruin the moment but I'm going to get you some medicine in a minute to help with your fever. You are just burning up."

"Okay. Thank you." You said.

You squeezed them tightly and they peppered kisses across your head, making you feel warm and happy through your terrible sickness.

You were so thankful for your girls always being here for you, especially when you need them most.

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