{WinRina} - they snap at you when they have a bad day - part two (requested)

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Just as you figured, it didn't take long to hear Winter and Karina's footsteps on the stairs.

You looked at them from the corner of your eye but tried not to let them see and when you caught a glimpse of them, you could see the guilt and sadness in their eyes as they made their way over to you.

You stared at the TV as you watched one of your comfort shows, hoping it would help take the weight off of your shoulders and bring a smile to your face, though it hadn't been helping the way it usually does.

Their words had hurt you deeply and you hoped they knew that as they sat down next to you, Karina on your right and Winter on your left.

"Y/N? Can we talk?" Winter asked.

You looked away from the screen and glanced at them before shrugging your shoulders.

"Okay. If we talked, would you want to listen?" Karina wondered.

"I don't know. Depends, I guess. Am I going to get snapped at more?" You asked as you folded your arms over your chest. "This is not something you can just say sorry for and we move on as though it had been nothing! You both hurt me a lot with everything you said."

"We know and we're truly sorry," Karina said.

"You didn't deserve any of that and we can't believe how mean we were to you." Winter sighed.

You sank your teeth into your lip and tried to stay strong but it wasn't easy when their words continued to play in your head.

"All I was trying to do was help. I just wanted to make you both feel better because I knew you were stressed and then you called me annoying and snapped at me. Can't you see how much I love and care about you both?"

"We do, baby." Winter softly said as she took one of your hands into hers.

"And we are so lucky. Gosh, you don't even know how much we love and care about you too. And I know we had a terrible way of showing you that today but we swear, we do love and care about you." Karina assured as she took your other hand.

"More than you could ever know," Winter spoke as she squeezed your hand.

"It hurt a lot to hear you say those things to me."

"We know sorry isn't enough. We'll make this up to you however we can. You deserve the whole world, baby. We will try every day to make this right."

You sniffled and looked at them before sighing.

"Please forgive us. Please tell us that you know how truly sorry we are." Karina pleaded.

"I do know that you're sorry." You whispered. "I want to forgive you but I'm just upset."

"You have every right to be." Winter sighed.

You knew they were truly sorry.

They're never like that with you.

They're always so sweet and loving and this was the first and only time they had ever snapped at you throughout your entire relationship.

"Don't do it again. Snap at me one more time and I'm not forgiving you so easily." You warned.

"It won't ever happen again, we swear," Karina promised and you nodded after.

"Do you forgive us? We want to make this up to you, so tell us and we'll do it." Winter said as she anxiously bit her lip, hoping to hear you say that things were okay.

"I forgive you. But never do it again. I won't be so nice next time and I swear, I won't stick around." You warned once more and they nodded before throwing their arms around you.

"Never again, darling," Karina whispered.

"We promise," Winter said with a little smile.

And you knew inside your heart that they meant it; they'd never let that happen again or risk doing anything to lose you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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