Bella's POV

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You can skip this chapter if you want. It's just a copy but from Bella's POV.

Bella's POV

Demetri and Felix stood in front of us. Edward held me protectively and Alice stood to my left. The tension was so thick you could cut through it with a knife. Before things could escalate, another vampire appeared, standing between Demetri and Felix. She was beautiful, but also intimidating. Her porcelain skin made her ruby red eyes and matching blood-red hair stand out. She was small, especially when standing next to the two Volturi Guards, but also looked younger. My guess is she was only around 13 or 14 when she was turned. Her crimson eyes darted quickly over each person, landing finally on me. Her expression wasn't hard or cold like the others, it was soft and slightly curious.

"Aro wanted to know what's taking so long," she said, her voice sounding like the soft brush of a feather.

"Minor detour," Demetri said. The girl's lips twitched slightly as if she were going to smile.

"Well let's not keep Aro waiting," she said, turning around and walking away. We walked at my slow human pace until we entered what looked like a throne room.

"Sent you out to get one and you bring back two...and a half," a vampire said. He also looked young, and next to him stood a girl that looked like his sister.

"Someone has to make sure things move along," the red-headed girl said, smiling softly at the boy before standing next to a vampire sitting in the middle throne.

Time Skip

Edward and Felix began fighting unit Edward came on top. He turned to the red-head girl and stepped forward, but she held up her hand and he froze. I watched in horror as she waved her fingers casually to the side, and Edward went flying into the wall, cracks forming around his neck. He appeared to be struggling but didn't move.

"Please! No! No! Please! Kill me! Not him!" I said.

"How extraordinary. You would give up your life...for someone like us. A vampire. A soulless monster," Aro asked with interest.

"You don't know a thing...about his soul," I said.

"This is a sadness. If only you intend to give her immortality," Aro said.

"Wait! Bella will be one of us. I've seen it. Let me show you," Alice said, holding out her hand. Aro stepped forward and took it.

"Mesmerizing! To see, what you have seen. Before it has happened. Your gifts...will make for an intriguing...immortal. Isabella. Go now. Make your preparations," Aro said then took his seat. The crimson girl released Edward and he fell to the floor, but quickly stood up. The cracks on his face healed, but one wasn't. He rushed back over to me and we were about to leave when the girl stopped us.

"Wait," she said, then walked up to Edward. She held her hand up over the crack on Edward's neck and it quickly healed. "Say hello to Carlile for me," she said with a smiled before walking back next to Aro.

Another time skip

Edward, Alice, and I sat in the lobby area waiting for dark to leave. I was still wondering about the crimson girl and finally, my curiosity got the better of me.

"Who was that girl? The one with the red hair?" I asked.

"Her name is Evalin, she's the highest member of the guard. Alec is her mate and when she was human, she was his La Tua Cantante, his blood singer. Her gift is telekinesis, the ability to move and manipulate objects with the mind," Edward explained. Now I was even more scared of her than before.

"H-How was she turned?" I asked.

"As a human, she lived in a time when people burned other people at the stake for being witches. After an accident where she unintentionally killed her best friend, she was brought to the stake to be burned. Alec saved her and turned her. She's been with the Volturi ever sense. Carlisle knew her when he was here and claims she's not like the rest of the Volturi, but I'm not sure if that's really true," he said.

"She does seem more...human?" I asked. He chuckled.

"Her thoughts were different from everyone else's. She is sympathetic and hopes for the best for us," he said. I hope we don't become the enemy of the Volturi because how could anyone fight against her?

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