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        The entire Volturi guard stood in the snowy field facing the Cullens and the witnesses, growling occasionally at the pack of wolves. Alice gave Aro her hand, and he looked into the future where the two sides battle. He watched as his empire was struck down, Volturi bodies quickly being beheaded and burned. He watched his brother as they were killed. He watched Jane getting fed to a big black wolf, then her brother Alec get his head ripped off and body burned. He watched in horror as Evalin found her mate's burning body. She screamed out in pain and fell to her knee's everything around beginning to crumble into itself. She screamed again, her hands balling up in fists, as cracks began tearing their way through her perfect skin. Finally, she burst into a thousand pieces, and everything around her disintegrated.

Aro recoiled looked at everyone, their deaths flashing before his eyes.

"Now you know, that's your future. Unless you decide on another course," Alice spat venomously.

At the end of the day, both sides walked away to fight another day.

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