Argument and A Demonic Deal

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Family room in the morningstar mansion
Lincoln was sitting beside his moms as Charlie's parents sat on the couch across from them as Lucifer was giving Lincoln a look that made the boy uncomfortable as he was smiling widely as Lilith was happy to be a grandmother "so Charlie who is this fine young man?" Asked Lilith "mom, dad this is Lincoln me and vaggies adopted son" said Charlie "so how did this happen?" Asked Lucifer "well uhh I could explain that so here's the story" said Lincoln as he explained his story up to the point he woke up in the hotel as he finished he saw the looks on the King and Queen of Hell "Oh my goodness they really did that to you? You poor thing at least you have Charlie and Vaggie as your parents I have every faith in them that they will take good care of you" said Lilith "thanks Grandma Lily, they really have been taking good care of me" said Lincoln as Lilith grabbed him and gave him a hug "you are just precious, watch out Luci he might steal me from you~" she said giggling as Lucifer grumbled "dad? you haven't said anything about all this, are you going to say anything?" Said Charlie "Charlotte you are always doing things that I disagree or disapprove of and I really wasn't expecting you to adopt a human which I really don't like not because I don't like him and trust me his parents and siblings that treated him badly will get a severe punishment but this is hell and demons may want to torment and torture the boy" explained Lucifer "well if that happens I can protect him and so can vaggie and everyone that cares about him" Charlie said stubbornly as Lucifer frowned and sighed at his daughters stubbornness "look Charlotte I know you will protect him as will others but what about the overlords? The angels? The exterminators? They won't care who they need to fight or kill to torture, torment or even kill him!" Exclaimed Lucifer as Lincoln got frightened and ran to Vaggie for comfort "I don't care I'll protect him from anything that wants to hurt him! Exclaimed Charlie "and if you can't?" Said Lucifer "then alastor can help protect him he's one of his devilfathers!" Said yelled Charlie as her horns where coming out and her eyes were turning red and teeth getting sharp "why can't you see that it's dangerous alastor may be very powerful but Valentino,Vox and Velvet can overcome him overtime" said Lucifer "why is this so hard for you to accept dad!" Yelled Charlie as she stepped closer "because humans only belong down here when they die!!" Lucifer Yelled as he stood up quickly as Lincoln's eyes stung and ran out of the room "Lincoln! wait!" Yelled Vaggie chasing after him as Charlie looked dumbfounded and turned back to her father enraged "I. Can't. Believe You!!!" Charlie yelled in anger as she flipped over a table and chucked a glass vase at him which hit him square in the face as she stormed over to the door as she stopped and turned to her father "DONT EVER SPEAK TO HIM UNLESS IT INVOLVES AN APOLOGY!" She yelled and stormed out and slammed the door as she went to find her girlfriend and son as she left the room was so silent you could hear a pin drop as Lily turned to him unhappy as she crossed her arms and looked at him sternly "what?" He asked "I can't believe you" she said "I didn't mean to offend him I was being practical and I'm concerned for the boys safety down here it's not safe for him" he said to his wife "well you'd better tell that to them but give her a few hours to cool off I know you didn't mean to offend him but I'm still a bit disappointed that you said that to him just give her some space to cool off" said Lilith as Lucifer was left in the room as he sighed and pinched his nose "why did you have to argue with her all you had to do was voice your concerns and that was it you fool, now she thinks you hate the boy I'll give her a day to cool off then pop bye for a visit to clean this mess up" he said to himself as he looked in the mirror and sighed again as he walked over and gently took a picture of him, Lilith and Charlie as he smiled then frowned putting it back "I'm such a fool" he said as he slid down the fire place and laid his head on the wall frustrated with himself 'please forgive me Charlotte my dear child I love you more than anything and I will do my best to protect my grandson' he thought as he got up cleaned himself and left the room and turned off the lights and closed the door and went upstairs to the balcony to clear his head
The Hotel
The main doors burst open as a VERY pissed of full demon Charlie as Vaggie and Lincoln followed in closing the doors as everyone knew something really bad happened "hey Charlie what happened?" Asked angel as the demon princess just walked by to the stairs and went to her room and slammed it shut as everyone flinched at this "OK, what happened?" Asked angel as Vaggie sat down with Lincoln on her lap as she explained what happened to the others as they were shocked and surprised "well I didn't expect him to react like that I mean I know humans come down here after they die if they did bad shit but.. I don't know just give it time Linc it'll be OK alright?" Said angel dust as the boy nodded "I'm gonna go to my room see ya" he said leaving to go upstairs as everyone stared at him sadly as he left they're site "arggh fuck he really couldn't accept chuck had a human kid wicha?" Said angel "not exactly he was concerned for his safety down here but said that overlords like the triple V's could overcome alastor overtime" said vaggie as alastor laughed "oh my goodness that's a good joke Vox is easy to deal with you just keep saying nonsense and he'll short circuit, Velvet one thing said about social media and she goes crazy and Valentino isn't as powerful as me i couldtake him down easily" said alastor listing off how to deal with the triple V gang as everyone believed him he is very powerful, powerful enough to take on several other overlords at once and to put up a good fight with Lucifer "Vaggatha my dear I have a suggestion" said alastor as vaggie groaned at the name "what?" She asked "I could help make him defend himself down here " he said "what do you mean exactly?" She said not liking where this may be going "I could give him my power in afew ways" he said as everyone was surprised he'd be so willing to give someone his power "OK how?" Asked angel "well number one is plain and simple we make a deal, the 2nd is I inject him with my blood imbued with magic in it" he said "NO deal making" said vaggie "I know you are concerned of the first one but I won't ask of anything that serious" he said with no lies in his voice surprising everyone "OK so what would you ask of him in the deal?" she asked "probably just to be a good son for you and Charlotte or something like that, like I said nothing serious" he said not lying still "OK can't believe I'm doing this but it's so we don't need to worry, but its his decision if he says no it's a no" said vaggie as alastor agreed as the two made they're way to Lincolns room upstairs
Upstairs of the Hotel
The two made it to Charlie and vaggies room as vaggie knocked on his door "come in" they heard as they entered "hey buddy you ok?" Vaggie asked softly as he nodded as she hugged him "well me and Al here have an idea to help you down here" she said "really? what is it?" He asked "we'll my boy I could give you some of my power by either injection with magic imbued with it or we make a deal I give you my power and you be a good son and yourself for Charlie and Vaggie" he said "you can say no if your uncomfortable with it" said vaggie as alastor nodded in agreement "will it hurt making a deal?" Asked Lincoln "Just a slight nip but it will be barley feela thing it's like this" alastor explained while giving Lincoln a little pinch that he barely felt "like that? I barely felt a thing" he said "yes we just shake hands sometimes there's a little pinch depending on the person it will be painful or not" alastor explained "OK I'm ready let's do it" said Lincoln standing up from his mothers bed "very well let's make a deal" said alastor as his hand glowed green as he held it to Lincoln as Lincoln shook it and the green went into him as he felt it going inside him it was a but painful but not to bad as he fell asleep "so how long will the magic take to fully convert into his body?" Asked vaggie "till tomorrow morning which I believe I'd what the humans call a spring break from their jobs and educational systems" said alastor "hmm then let's get some rest for tomorrow ill put him to bed then I'll go get Charlie" vaggie said as she put Lincoln to bed while alastor snapped his fingers and Lincoln was changed into his bedwear as he left the room and went to his room 'hmmm I do hope that Lucifer makes things right with Lincoln and Charlotte, hmm Lucifer you fool the boy is protected even more now that he has my power' alastor thought as he got ready for bed as his pj's were red with radios on them as he got to bed and slept

And that's it for this chapter it seems Lincoln has some demon powers? What will happen next time with spring break, hope your enjoying bye now

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