Luna tells sam the truth and Lincoln gets adopted

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Loud house
Luna was in her bed worrying about Lincoln as she's waiting for him to call her she went downstairs to get some breakfast maybe some food will help calm her mind as she got to the table she heard talking "seriously?" Said Lori as the rocker girl got some cereal and sat at the table and ate "correct eldest sibling my scanner detected that brother units phone was already destroyed thus making my detonation attempt void" said Lisa as Luna felt a wave of relief come over her 'OK he's fine, he's fine thank god' she thought as everyone else came downstairs and ate
Later at school
Luna arrived the doors to her school as her sisters went to meet their friends before class as the girl was looking for Sam as she got to the music room she saw her playing her turquoise guitar as she smiled and walked over "hey sam" said Luna as the girl looked up and smiled "hey Luna sup?" Asked Sam putting down her guitar as the two sat next to each other "ahh nothin much but there is somethin you should know" said Luna as Sam payed full attention "Lisa the second youngest the sciencey one tried to kill our brother by blowing up his phone remotely I don't know why but I called him and warned so I'm assuming he's safe just trying to get his new phone set up" Luna told her as Sam was surprised "why would she do that?" Asked Sam "cuz they don't care about him as much as I do! They could care less if they found him dead as a mangled corpse for christ sake!!" Luna said frustrated "I'm sure he's fine and if they try anything tell me and I'll help you ok?" Said Sam "thanks babe you have no idea how much I love you especially when you get all serious like that makes you look hot" said Luna "well I aim to please but have you seen yourself? your the hot one" said Luna as the two chuckled as the bell went as they kissed and went to class
Meanwhile down in Hell
Charlie was skipping down the sidewalk like a child "does she do this often?" Asked a confused Lincoln "yep she sings on TV aswell causing people to make fun of her which causes me to go in a fit of rage" said vaggie "so how long have you guys been dating?" Asked the boy "uhh three years I believe" she told him "your gonna be the more controlled mother aintchta?" Said Lincoln as vaggie chuckled "yea I'm gonna be the reasonable and responsible one while she's gonna be the hyper active child like mom so your gonna be spoiled from here to heaven and back here again, just don't turn into a bratty asshole k?" Said vaggie "haha don't worry I did that before and it didn't turn out well so I don't wanna be that again" said Lincoln as they arrived at the adoption center as they walked in there was a bird demon lady "hello how can I help you princess?" She asked "I would like adoption papers for a 12 year old boy please" she said cheerily "OK here you go, both of your sign you names and child's name and some other details" she said as Charlie and vaggie filled out the paperwork as they finished Charlie was jumping up and down as the owl lady took them and copied them and gave them the copies "congratulations your now the proud parents of Lincoln morningstar" she said as Charlie was jumping up and down like a child as the three left "morningstar?" Asked Lincoln "well yea I didn't think you'd like to have the same last name as your family so I gave you my families last name" said Charlie Lincoln smiled at her "thanks mom" said Lincoln as Charlie celebrated "yayyy" she said "so who did you put down as the devilfathers and uncles?" Asked Vaggie as Charlie gave her the papers for them "ohhhh you are so sneaky babe" said vaggie smirking as Charlie smiled innocently as they got into the limo as it drove them to the hotel
Hazbin Hotel
The three got out of the limo "ohh this is gonna be great!" Said Charlie excitedly "yea I know just calm down hun" said vaggie as they opened the doors to see chaos tables were flipped,carpets and walls had bullet holes and tears, there were scorch marks everywhere As the culprits were still fighting

Loud house Luna was in her bed worrying about Lincoln as she's waiting for him to call her she went downstairs to get some breakfast maybe some food will help calm her mind as she got to the table she heard talking "seriously?" Said Lori as the ro...

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(Basically what's happening ignore nifty)

The three look over at the door and see the three standing there speechless "we left for Fifteen minutes! Fifteen minutes!! And we come back to this!!?? What happened!!??" Said vaggie surprised and angry as alastor threw off angel and dusted himself off "well my dear vagatha angel and husk here thought that they'd be good devilfathers angel wouldn't because off his eugh activities and husker because of his activities aswell so-" alastor was explaining "uhh excuse you? I would be better than either o yous cuz unlike you two I ain't a dipshit!" Said husker as angel gasped "how dare you guys insult me so!? I would be better than you guys I can actually think on my feet and have guns for each arm and I'm a badass! Everyone should have a badass devilfather ya bums!!" Shouted angel dust as the three argued again "guy's chill ok we have the devilfather papers here so look at them fuck!" Said vaggie frustrated as the three ran over as they were pushing and shoving "hey watch it" said angel as he was pushed aside by husk as the two fought "oh wow that is quite clever my dears" said alastor as the two looked over as husker pushed angel away "owwie" cried out the spider as husk dropped his glass of beer as angel walked up to then "what who's the dev- WHAT THE HELL!" Screamed angel as the three looked at the papers as it read 'devilfather/devilfathers are angel dust, alastor the radio demon and husker the cat demon "wow that's uhh that's clever honestly" said husker "wow never saw that comin" said angel dust "ha guess your stuck with us Linc haha!" Said angel dust as the boy smiled "well who's the devil mother?" Asked alastor "well we decided to put down nifty for that since she's energetic and is responsible enough for that role" said Charlie "ah my little darling! Wise choice my dears wise choice indded" said alastor as Lincoln was confused "who's nifty?" The second he asked that a blur ran by him causing a gust of wind for him "woah! What the!?" He said confused "I heard my name! I heard my name!! what's going on!!?" Asked a vary energetic little demon "ohh who's that? It's a human!?" She said as she ran over to him "eughh disgusting this is not acceptable nope! nope! nope! nope! NOPE!!" She said looking at Lincoln in his tattered pj's "nifty before you patch him and clean him and make him new clothes we have something for you" Charlie said in a sing song voice at the last part as nifty looked over her shoulder and ran over and took the piece of paper as her eye sparkled "Ahhhhh! I'm a Devilmother ehhhhh!! I'm so happy ahha" she said excitedly as everyone covered they're ears to avoid the squiling "OK ok we get it shut up already!!" Yelled angel dust as nifty stopped and apologised "it's fine my dear now go help the boy get cleaned up" he said as nifty grabbed Lincolns arm and dragged him up the stairs to the bath

And I'll stop it here for this chapter hope you enjoyed see you in the next one bye

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