meetings + Worried Moms

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Hazbin Hotel
Lincoln stood frozen at the voice and turned around "uhhh nowhere?" He said "oh really? Then why were ya tryna sneak out kid?" Said the voice "please angel, don't tell my moms, I'm just gonna meet my sister luna alright?" He said as angel sighed rubbing the bridge of his nose with one hand as he ran two through his hair the last one on his hip  "look kid, I'm your devilfather well one of em, so it's my job to make sure YOU are SAFE" said angel as Lincoln looked down "so imma come wicha kid" said angel as Lincoln looked at him as they smiled "OK, let's go" said Lincoln as the two left the hotel
At Royal Woods Park
Lincoln and angel were walking in the park as angel looked around and tapped Lincoln on his shoulder "that her there?" Asked the disguised spider "yea that's her let's go!" The boy said excitedly "hey Luna!" He shouted as the rocker looked up to see him as she smiled "hey bro" she said as they hugged as they pulled away as Luna rubbed his cheek softly crying "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I wasn't able to protect you more, I'm really sorry" she said hugging him tightly to her body as he hugged back "it's ok I don't blame you, you tried and that's what matters" he said "thanks bro" she said pulling away "oh hey who's this?" She asked referring to angel "oh I'm Anthony, nice ta meet ya" he said shaking hands with Luna "you too, so you another person lookin after ma bro?" Asked the rocker "yep he's a cool little dude" said angel ruffling Lincolns hair "hey!" Said the boy annoyed as the two laughed "yea he's pretty great, which is why I brought this for ya dude" she said pulling out the guitar and amps that belonged to him "whoa you were able to save these?" He asked "yea, soon as they started throwing out your stuff I said I'd throw out the music stuff I got you, but as you can see I didn't so I thought I'd give them back to ya" said Luna as Lincoln hugged her again "thank you" he said as she hugged back "your welcome bro" said luna "hey linc, we gotsta go before your ma's wake up finding you gone, you need sleep" said angel as the two looked at him "OK" Lincoln said as he turned back to luna "one last hug?" He said as Luna nodded as they hugged one last time as Lincoln left to catch up with angel as the two siblings waved bye as the two found a secluded spot to portal to hell
Hazbin Hotel
The doors to the hotel open as Lincoln and angel poke their heads in as the coast was clear as they tip toed back into "ok linc you need to get back to your room ya get caught just say-" angel said but got cut off"say what!?" Said an angered voice as it was female angel and Lincoln froze in their tracks "look vags I can" angel started but as he turned his eyes went wide with fear "oh uh, he-hey there chuck hehe how uhh what's goin on?" He asked nervously as Charlie was flaring up in anger as she had red eyes her horns out and flames coming from her as her teeth were razor sharp "explain what!? That we wake up at 5:00 in the morning to find you missing from bed!? That Lincoln! is missing from his bed!?" She yelled as the rest came down to see an angered Charlie as nifty ran behind alastors legs as husk coward away behind the fence of the stairs with his wings going behind him as they and his ears went down in fear "I-I can exp- argghh" angel said as he began to get choked from Charlie's power as Lincoln ran up to her "hey mom I'm fine see? Just let us explain ok?" Said Lincoln as Charlie's eyes softened and she calmed herself "I'm sorry I was just so worried" she said crouching down and hugging him tightly as she carried him away to the kitchen as angel was on the ground hold his neck coughing "man I was almost double dead" said angel as he stood up and steadied himself as he dusted himself "well, that was uhhh" nifty spoke not sure what to say "terrifying? Scary? Unholy?" Said husker as everyone nodded as vaggie stood there arms crossed "where did you two go?" She asked angel as he explained what happened as he told his story from him going to the toilet then to get a midnight snack because he was hungry then he saw a small figure at the door which could only match the size of Lincoln and he explained what Lincoln told him what he said to Lincoln and everything from there as the group stood in silence "well, thats interesting, but I do have yo thank you angel,I mean it thank you for going with him to make sure he's ok" vaggie said holiness of the spiders hands "eh no probs, he's my devilson and I'm his devilfather, well one of em, it's my job to look after him" he said with confidence and assurance as husker and alastor nodded as nifty smiled as Lincolns devilmother vaggie smiled and thanked them "hope Charlie's OK now" said vaggie as the group looked up to the princesses room
In Charlie's room
She was checking Lincoln over "I told you I'm fine" he said as she stopped "I'm sorry I was just worried dear" she said as they smiled at each other "but what were you doing up there and with angel?" She asks as Lincoln explained from him gaming then getting a phone call from Luna to him sneaking out and everything after angel caught him as Charlie listened carefully and intentlyas Lincoln finished his story Charlie kneeled infront of him and hugged him "well I'm glad angel was insistent on going with you" she said as they hugged
"Just leave a message next time ok?" She said as they broke the hug "I will, sorry for scaring you and vaggie" he said as Charlie gently rubbed his face with her hands "it's ok sweetheart" she said kissing his forehead

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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