Ch. 4- Nerves

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(His weapon. It's called a Kusarigama and I think it's pretty cool. I wanted to use Rayla's weapons from Dragon Prince- she uses twin butterfly blades but I dont think they suit our lil bean. I'm gonna add a video on how it's used in the next chapter.)


3rd POV:

After a little while of fighting, Leo spoke up once more. "Ya know what? I don't think you're as bad as you claim to be." Michelangelo took offense to this comment. "You take that back. I am Michelangelo; the baddest alive! THE WORST OF THE WORST! And there ain't nothin' you can do about it, fool!" Leo chuckled at his enthusiastic response. "On the rooftop a few nights ago. You could've finished me off, but you didn't."

"Well I already told you. That's beacuse I think you might actually be fun to have around. Especially when you stop pretending. Because I don't think you're as 'good-boy' as you make yourself out to be." Michelangelo replied snarkily. Leo was starting to get slightly aggrivated with that comment. "Yea well, it's better than the alternative."

The younger opponent decided that he wanted to see how long he could press the older's buttons until he snapped. "Which is what? Having fun? Living a REAL life? Cutti-". Before he could finish, Leo had tackled him to the ground. "Oh. Did I strike a nerve?" He asked while making a sarcastic pouty face. "Well your voice certainly did." Leo said with a smug smirk. "HEY! That was mean!" The younger said while glaring daggers up at the older.

"Anyways," he began again; "ya see that really tall building over there?" Leo looked up for a moment after he'd gotten off of the ground. ".. Do you mean that High-Rise?" "Yea, whatever, close enough. I need ya to meet me up there on the roof at midnight. I want to show you something." He said, and with that he was off of the ground, and gone, his scarf fluttering in the light breeze.


Michelangelo snuck back into his room ever so quietly. "And where have YOU been?" came a voice that he didn't exactly want to hear at the moment. "Uh, I couldn't sleep again. So i was getting some a few nights ago." Which wasn't a lie; it just wasn't the whole truth. The past two nights he'd lost some sleep thinking about the strange boy he'd met on the rooftop. But he wasn't going to tell Karai or Tiger-Sensei about him,at least not yet. Certainly not Bradford or Xever, but never his father.

Karai was the upset owner of the voice. She knew he wasn't lying, but she also didn't completely believe him. He knew that though. They've known eachother their whole lives. They're not just siblings, they're eachother's bestfriend. Of course they would know. Either way, she decided to let it go for now.

"Alright fine. But can you atleast leave a note next time? I was worried." She said with her hands on her hands hips. He guiltily smiled and began to fidget with his fingers in response. "Right sorry. Yea I'll do that next time haha.." She sighed and walked over to hug him, which he happily accepted and returned. "I just- I don't want you to get hurt. And I know you can look after youself now, because you're old enough and strong enough. But it's my job as you're older sister to take care of you and make sure you're safe." About halfway through her rant, she had pulled back to face him, but didn't fully let go. "And it's my job as your brother to take care of you. So don't have to put it all on yourself, ok..because we take care of eachother."

She smiled at his sweet reply and hugged him again. It lasted for a few seconds until they both pulled away. "Goodnight little brother." "Goodnight Karai." And then she left.


He had written his note. He was going out to get some air on a walk on the roofs. Again, not a total lie, just not the complete truth. He started making his way to the Byerly building and soon enough he got there. About 10 minutes later, 12:00 on dot, Leo did too. "FINALLY! If you'da been any later, I swear my toes would've fell off!" He groaned exaggerating. Leo chuckled amusedly. "Hey, you said midnight. It's midnight." "Yea ok ok." The orange-haired boy said back. The two crouched down on the side of the building, looking into the window of an antique shop. "So ya see that sword over there in that window? That's the sword THE Miyamoto Musashi, the greatest swordsman in the history of Japan. And it could be all yours if ya help me." Michelangelo said with a tempting tone in his voice.

"What?" Leo asked. "You heard me. It could be yours. We're gonna steal it." The other explained as if it was obvious. And it was. He had stars in his eyes and excitement in his voice. "Wha- NO! No we're not. I can't let you do this." "Come on dude. That epic sword is just sitting there collecting dust. It doesn't deserve that, and we both know that! Stop waiting for people to give you the life you want. Take it." The 15 year old sighed/groaned loudly and dramatically. Leo thought about his words for a second before replying. "I can't. It's wrong." The 15 year old sighed dramaticaly, with a groan mixed in. "That's so boring!" Leo pulled the boy back harshly and they started to fight. "You don't have to do this." He said. Michelangelo got the better of Leo and pinned him down. "I know. That's what makes it fun." He said back with a smirk.

"LEO! THANK GOD I- wait, who's that?" Raphael had shown up. Michelangelo got off of Leo and helped him up. "Yea Leo, who's that?" the foot member asked, just as curious. Michelangelo didn't wait for Leo to get off the ground though, as Leo was taking too long, and he was impatient to meet the potential new friend/sparring partner. He went over to the confused brother and introduced himself. "Yo. My name is Michelangelo! One and only. What's your name?" He said with all the confidence. Raph was stunned.

"LISTEN HERE YA LITTLE SHIT! I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE, OR HOW YOU KNOW ABOUT MIKEY, BUT IF I EVER SEE YOUR FACE AGAIN YOU'RE GONNA WISH YOU WERE NEVER BORN!!" The red ninja replied. "Excuse you, I don't know who the hell you think I'm impersonating, but I am ALL natural. One AND only bitch. Back the FUCK up, hoe. My sister would love to meet you. She would beat your ass every color of the fuckin rainbow. Talk to ME like that." He said with sass that only Karai could teach.


He was about to reply once again when there was a sudden angry growl. "I FOUND YOU." "All is forgiven. You're the leader again. Welcome back." Raph rushed out. But before they could do anything, the plant creature knocked away their weapons, and took hold of the two brothers. Leo looked over at the only ninja who was still free. "MICHELANGELO! HELP! PLEASE!" He called out. The youngest sighed and did as asked. Not because he cared, or because he was secretly a good person. It's because he wanted a fight. Yea, let's go with that for now.

The boy got his weapon out and ran, dodging SnakeWeed's tentacles in the process. He jumped off the giant fan that Leo was holding onto, wrapped the chain around the mutant enemy's neck and landed on the back of his shoulders. Then, he used his blade to tear SnakeWeeds head off. When the creature fell forward, Michelangelo got off of his back and rolled him over to get to his seed heart; he then ripped it out and drove his blade into it and it withered away. He looked over at the brothers and said "The seed was his heart. He won't be coming back. You're welcome." Those were his last words to the brothers for the night, as he left for his bed.


I finally updated! How do yall feel? Well I didn't go to school at all last week because

A: My motivation for certain things likes to take vacations unexpectedly without telling me where it's going, how long it's going to be gone and why it's leaving and all that

B: I didn't feel good

C: I'm already gonna have to retake Algebra1 most likely so I just don't care anymore

I will say I feel more motivated to update since I'm using a chromebook now so that's something..

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