Chapter 6-Games Room? Can Anyone Say Heaven?

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  • Dedicated to Uncle Rod nd ur love of video games :)

Chapter 6

Jason’s POV:

I groan in pain, staring down at my empty plate. That meal was soooo good, but I think I just doubled my wait. I’m not eating lunch, and probably not dinner either. Maybe I won’t even get out of this chair. That would be nice, just sit it the chair all day, take a nap, and relax. That’s what Saturday’s are for, right? Relaxing and enjoying yourself? That’s what they should be about anyways.

Leaning back in the chair, closing my eyes, my mind starts to drift off to lala land, but is rudely interrupted by Mr. Butler Man, who is normally rather nice from the few times I’ve spoken with him- mysterious, but nice.

“Mr. Eagle, wasting the day in the dining room are we? There are far more interesting rooms. If I may suggest a few that I believe you will enjoy:

On the first floor, it’s rather uninteresting for a gentleman your age, but there is the games room, which has all different types of video games.”

I sit up in my chair and look at him wide-eyed. I might be smart, but you tell a boy young, old, in between, that there is a room that has every video game in existence, and he’s in heaven, no matter how tired he is. “Do you really mean EVERY video game in existence?”

He chuckles at me, not even hiding his amusement, “Yes, EVERY video game, it doesn’t matter whether it’s old, new, or if it’s even been released yet. It’s quite fascinating, though don’t waste all your time in there, because there is plenty of other things to see.”

I jump up and run out the room into the long hall, in my mad-man dash to get to the wonderful glorious paradise that’s been described to me, and is only moments out of my grasp, when- I realize I have no idea where in this huge house it is. Thankfully Harold walks out of the dining room, chuckling at me again I might add, “I’ll show you where it is, and if you’d like to explore some of the other places of the house, feel free, there are no restrictions on what room you can and can’t go into, though the really long hallway with the double doors on the end on the second story is Lord and Lady Lockheart’s quarters, so you don’t want to go there, but there are some interesting photo’s in that hallway if you’re interested.”

“No, no, I’ll be fine with just the game room. I’m sure, just show me where it is, and I’ll be good for the day.” I’m like a kid on a sugar high, talking so fast that he can probably barely understand me, but I’m completely oblivious.

“Well sir, there’s a three hour a day limit, so that not too much time is wasted on games.”

We’d started walking down the long hall and he stopped about halfway down, outside of some black and gray colored double doors that look like they’re solid metal, which are designed to look just like twisted metal, but when you look closely you can see the words ‘Game Room’ and there’re different things that look like game controllers, consoles, TV screens, names of different games, and different kinds of snacks that you would eat while playing video games.

“Why would there be a limit…… HOW is there even a limit?!”

“There’s a limit so that there’s no way that you will waste an entire day on nothing, but video games, and it’s possible because after 3 hours power stops going to that room so everything shuts off, and no one, with the exception of Miss Cody, knows how to change it. Actually she’s the one that installed the program so that her parents would  get back to work.”

“Why would someone do that? And I thought ‘Miss Cody’ would LIKE to play video games, I mean who doesn’t? She’s probably one of those people that have a permanent pole up her butt. And her parents are the kind of people that would like to play video games aren’t they- Woah, wait, PARENTS?!?!?!??! I thought that the Lockhearts didn’t have any children! Heck the whole world thought that they didn’t have any children…… is it that some of the craziest people in the world have such a lame daughter?”

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