Chapter 20- Making Discoveries

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Chapter 20-

Cody’s POV:

By morning I was starting to feel the effects of last night’s little impromptu slide across the pavement at sixty-five miles an hour.

With aching, screaming, and yearning muscles protesting with every move      I made, but with a huge grunt I pushed myself up to stand on the shifting sand.

After a quick stretch which loosened me up, my stomach let out a huge growl that shook my whole abdomen, alerting me that it was hungry. “You just got food like six hours ago, for goodness sakes! How can you still be hungry?!” I yelled down at it.

I swear, I’m going to get fat if I keep eating like this.

A quick elevator ride, and a few minutes later, and I have my head laying on the cool counter top of the kitchen counter while Giovanni poured my scrambled eggs in the pan and began frying up some bacon for me while chuckling at me.

Usually wide awake by now, nearly jumping off the walls and ready to start my day full blast, this exhausted, half asleep me was so out of character, one of the maids actually asked me who I was! I’d only grunted in response and kept on my way, but, seriously? I don’t get how she didn’t recognize on of the only three women that ever sleep in this house!

A huge yawn slipped through my chest, leaving me even more tired than before.

“You slept for a month! How are you still tired?!” He both joked and laughed.

“I slept for like, four hours, and before that I was up till two in the morning, making pancakes, and…..making pancakes.” Shit, I scolded myself for almost letting that slip. Just what I need, to let everyone know what I get up to on Friday nights. There can’t be a quicker way to give my mother a reason to lock me up in this house for all eternity.

Heck, it took me my whole life to convince her to let me go to a public school! No way in this world that she’d let me go to a club, at least not unless I was surrounded by body guards, with a police escort, and a pre-approved playlist of songs. And knowing her, there might even be a helicopter circling the building…..

A hard thin line tapped the top of my head and I tilted my chin up on the counter, too tired to bring it all the way up, but sat up excitedly when I saw the brown, oddly-bent, apple- smoked bacon three centimeters from my eyes.

Without another thought I reached a hand out and grabbed a slice- one of many- of bacon, dipped it in the warm maple syrup, and let it melt into my tongue, roof of my mouth, and marveled as it covered my entire body in a blanket of bliss.

“You’re reactions never fail to amuse, darling.” His unexpected voice right next to my ear, brought me out of my reverie with a half-chewed piece of bacon in my mouth, and I chewed rapidly so I could give a smart comeback, but by the time my mouth was empty Giovanni was already out the door and headed to wherever he was headed.

“Yeah, whatever.” I grumbled after him anyways, and popped another piece of bacon in my mouth, again marveling in the taste.

I barely looked up again in the next twenty minutes it took for me to eat my breakfast, and when I looked up it was eight fifty-nine. “Perfect timing.” I smiled to myself at how everything worked out- cause there was no way in this world or any other I’d leave my breakfast to go to some meeting where’d I’d have to suppress the urge to pound in the face of two annoying jerks.

Drowning my throat in the last gulp of milk in my glass, carelessly throwing everything in the sink, and running off into the room, I ended up jogging in right as the grandfather clock in my parent’s bedroom started ringing nine-o’clock. Usually the clock can’t be heard, unless they’re door is open.

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