chapter 3

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Third person pov

After the sudden appearance of the demon. The king sent all the guests home except for the royal families who had to stay behind to address the matter.

The demon was put in the center of the room and binded with sliver chains to restrict its movement.

"State your name and purpose demon," the King says sitting on his throne.

"My name is Delilah and I have come seeking help from the kings and Queens of this land," the demon says.

"Not gonna lie Delilah is actually kinda hot" Zuma says whispering to Aric.

"Well then why don't you try your luck with Delilah" Aric whispers back.

"My father was the shadow King of the underworld until my uncle murdered him and took the throne for himself. I immediately ran away after finding out what happened. After I left the realm my uncle released the seven deadly sins and sent two of them after me" Delilah says.

"You brought danger to my home!" the King says furiously.

"Those two are the least of your worries. What you should be worried about is what my uncle sent the other five to seek out" Delilah says as her yellow eyes begin to glow.

"What is it Atuma wants" the King says intrigued.

"What my uncle seeks is the mythical Blade of Brim" Delilah says sending the entire room into shock.

"It doesn't exist" the king says.

"If it doesn't exist then explain to me how the elemental weapons came to be and how magic exists" Delilah says eyeing Aric and Fay from the corner of her eye.

"If this mythical Blade of Brim does exist then how do we find it before your uncle does...wait what does your uncle intend to do with the blade once he gets it?" the king asks.

"He intends to release all the demons of hell and start a war with the surface but I don't think that is his end goal. Once he conquers the surface he'll stage a war with the heavens as well" Delilah says as her eyes glow yellow again.

"You still didn't tell us how to find the weapon before your uncle does" the king says.

"The blade was hidden by a mysterious wizard who crafted it millennia ago in a secret location" Delilah says.

"So there is absolutely no way of knowing where the weapon is" the king says.

"I never said there wasn't a way" Delilah says trying to wiggle the chains off of her.

"There's no way you getting out of those chains now tell me how to find the weapon" the king says watching her struggle.

"The only way I can show you how to get the weapon is if you untie me" Delilah says.

"There's no way that's happening" the king says.

"Then you're going to doom us all" Delilah says.

"Father you have to release her!" Aric shouts from out of the crowd.

"How dare you speak to me in such a rude manner" the king says.

"I only said what most of us were put your pride aside and release the demon" Aric says stepping forward.

"Those are the strongest chains in the kingdom you won't be able to get close" the king says.

"Try me" Aric says walking over to Delilah and immediately snapping the chains.

"Who are you?" Delilah says rubbing her wrists and Aric stands beside her.

"Me...I'm the legendary hero from the epic tale" Aric says with a cheeky smile.

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