chapter 5

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Third person pov

"Alright now that we're all here. Why is it you called us?" Delilah says.

"I don't know how to explain this but I think I just saw Aric" Fay says nervously.

"What do you mean you just saw him" Zuma says shocked.

"You all know who the Dark Knight is right?" Fay asks.

"Yes" the others answer her.

"Well when he attacked me he sought of....might've....placed his hand on my cheek" Fay says as she rubs the spot.

"Okay and does that mean his Aric" Delilah says sarcastically.

"Nope but the feeling he gave off when he touched me, it reminded me of two years ago when we...."Fay stops as blood rushes to her cheeks.

"When you guys what" Zuma says smirking.

"You know what" Fay says flustered.

"Yes but we still wanna here you say it" Delilah says smirking.

"When" Fay says blushing.

"I knew it" Zuma says sticking out his hand.

"Fine you win...this time" Delilah says placing a bag of coins in his hand.

"I don't even want to know how this happened" Fay says.

"Smart answer" Delilah says smirking.

"Anyways back to Aric, I'm sure it's him plus I might've just figured out a way for us to retrieve the first elemental weapon" Fay says.

"Enlighten us" Delilah says.

"So a few years back when Aric and I were young we snuck into the king's secret library and found this magical book with pictures of the elemental weapons leading to the mythical weapon" says Fay.

"Then we better hurry and notify Nia that we're coming" Zuma says packing everything up.

They all quickly mount their horses and ride off toward the Western kingdom. It doesn't take them long since they jungle kingdom is just a few hours away.

As soon as they arrive at the Western kingdom the guards welcome them in and escort their horses to the stables.

They are quickly greeted by Nia and the royal family as they enter the castle.

"Your majesty, your highnesses" they bow greeting the king, queen and princess.

"Queen Fay, King Zamu and Delilah" the royal family greets them.

"Quick come with me" Nia says leading them inside the castle walls.

"Where are we going?" Delilah asks as Nia leads them through the castle.

"To my dad's super secret library of course" She answers with a cheeky smile.

As they pass by the castle library Fay stops and takes a moment to stare at the chair Aric got her.

"I didn't even thank him for it" Fay says as they continue walking on.

They quickly get to the door to the king's super secret library and Nia pulls a book out that opens the door. They all quickly walk in as the door shuts behind them.

"Quickly find the book and then let's get out of here" Fay says as past memories flood her brain.

After a few minutes Nia walks out with the book and hands it to Fay.

"Thank you princess" Fay says taking the book from Nia.

"How do we locate the first weapon Delilah?" Zuma asks looking at the book.

"These inscriptions are written in my language" Delilah says looking at the book.

She quickly reads through the phrase in her language before translating it to the rest.

"The first weapon we seek is hidden in sabertooth mountain but beware for it is heavily guarded by a guardian" she translates.

"Then what are we waiting for...let's move out" Fay says ordering the squad.

They exit the castle and mount there horses before taking off for sabertooth mountain.

After a few hours of riding on there horses the group decides to stop and set up camp.

"Fay and I will set up camp. You gather wood for the fire Zuma" Delilah says tying her horses up against a tree.

"Alright" Zuma says walking off into the woods.

"So dear princess what are you going to do?" Delilah says.

"What do you mean?" Fay says.

"What I mean is what if the dark knight turns out to be Aric but he has fully gone to the dark side" Delilah answers.

"Then I'll try my best to save him and bring him back" says Fay.

"And what if that isn't enough... considering how you are his bane...will you be able to kill him if necessary?" Delilah says intensifying the eye contact.

"Yes" Fay says without hesitation.

Delilah just remains silent and keeps eye contact with her for a few seconds before breaking eye contact.

"Well when that day comes we'll see I you are true to your word princess" Delilah says finishing up.

Just then Zuma returns with the fire wood. Sensing the tension in the air he picks up on what happened but keeps quite and just acts like he noticed nothing.

"Now would be a really good time to have Aric around" Delilah says struggling to start a fire.

"Ay I agree" Zuma says as he watch Delilah try to make fire.

"I thought all demons could use fire" Fay says staring down at her struggle.

"All of us can but I'm the black sheep" answers Delilah.

"Explain" says Fay.

"Where as other demons got the ability of fire I got the ability to move through shadows and temporarily create them" Delilah says putting her hand into her shadow.

"Interesting" Fay responds before walking over to her tent.

After a few more failed attempts Delilah and Zuma call it quits and walk into the woods to go hunting.

Just as they disappear into the woods a dark figure emerges from the shadows and quietly walks over to the pile of wood.

The dark figure slowly leans downwards before igniting a small ember that soon grows into a tiny flame.

After creating the fire the dark figure suddenly retreats back into the shadows just as Fay walks out of her tent.

"Guess they must've gotten it started and went to go hunt for something to eat" says Fay as she warms her hands a bit by the fire.

"I thought we were supposed to just be tailing them" the demon figure says watching Fay warm her hands over the fire.

"And we are" the shadowy figure says.

"So creating a fire for our enermies is okay now?" The demons says.

"The key to a successful hunt is to ensure your prey remains alive and well" the shadowy figure says.

"Okay but don't let your feelings for the future ice queen screw up this mission...Aric" says the demon.

"I told you never to call me by that name ever again" Aric says holding the blade against the demons throat.

"Is anyone there?...if you are hiding you better come out now before I freeze you to death" Fay says noticing the movement.

Just as Aric is about to act Zuma and Delilah come walking out of the shadows with a deer and two rabbits.

"Calm down princess we didn't mean to scare you" Delilah says.

"She's right now let's eat" Zuma says holding up the meat.


Sorry for the long wait. Life happened but hope you guys enjoyed this one and stay tuned for the next one<3.

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